Level 2 - Topic 2

If we consider the non-academic uses of maths it becomes clear that using common measures, shape and space form part of everyday life. This page contains all Level 2 workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 2 - Using Common Measures, Shape and Space.


2L2.17 Recognise, order and understand the value of all coins and notes in the context of the real world

Order Money by Value WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook has got a combination of 4 coins and notes and asks you to order them by value - alternating between most to least, least to most. It is a good idea to first identify if they are pence or pounds and then order them using a number line. [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

Value of Money TEMPLATE - This 11-page template has each value of coin from 1p to £2 and note from £5 to £20 with a blank square to add something of that value that means something to the student. There is an example of a completed template below. [Eco Ink Version]

Value of Money EXAMPLE - This 11-page example shows items relative to Lance’s life that equate to the value of the coin and note.

50p or £5 Money TEMPLATE - This 7-page template asks the question ‘What does it cost?’ with the choice of 50p and £5. This is about understanding the cost of items in everyday life and being able to decide if they are more likely to be 50p or £5. There is a blank template for you to add student relevant options and 6 examples. When using this with a student, who received £2.50 pocket money weekly, we considered if they had enough money to buy the item with one week’s pocket money or if they would have to save up two week’s money. These examples have been chosen to frame a discussion, e.g. if an apple costs 50p, why would an apple pie cost £5? [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

£1 or £5 Money WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook asks the question ‘What does it cost?’ with the choice of £1 and £5. This is about understanding the cost of items in everyday life and being able to decide if they are more likely to be £1 or £5. There are two blank templates for you to add student relevant options and 13 examples. These examples have been chosen to frame a discussion about choices, value for money and hidden costs. [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

£1 or £10 Money WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook asks the question ‘What does it cost?’ with the choice of £1 and £10. This is about understanding the cost of items in everyday life and being able to decide if they are more likely to be £1 or £10. There are two blank templates for you to add student relevant options and 13 examples. These examples have been chosen to frame a discussion about choices, value for money and hidden costs. [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

Enough Money WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbooks asks the question ‘Have they got enough money to buy?’. Compare the cost of the item to the amount of money they have to decide if they have enough or not. There is a number line on each page to help compare numbers. [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

In recognition of the fact that the Maths For Life programme has a global reach, please find below templates for other currencies.  These will be added when new regional members join.  To request or help create a template email learn@mathsforlife.com 

US DOLLAR $ Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all the current coins and notes for the US Dollar currency. Thank you Elizabeth F. for your help.

US DOLLAR $ Value of Money TEMPLATE - This template has each value of coin from 1 penny and note to $100 with a blank square to add something of that value that means something to the student.

EURO € Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all the current coins and notes for the EURO currency.

EURO € Value of Money TEMPLATE - This template has each value of coin from 1 cent and note to €500 with a blank square to add something of that value that means something to the student.

EURO € Value of Money EXAMPLE - This example shows items relative to Irish life that equate to the value of the coin and note from 1 cent to €50. It was made for the Kildare Education Support Centre webinar.

New Zealand $ Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all current coins and notes for the New Zealand Dollar. Thank you to Melanie Styche for your help.

New Zealand $ Value of Money TEMPLATE - This template has each value of coin from 20 cents and note to $100 with a blank square to add something of that value that means something to the student.

New Zealand $ Value of Money EXAMPLE - This example shows items relative to Gordy’s life that equate to the value of the coin and note. Thank you to Gordy, Melody (Gordy’s mum) and Melanie Styche for sharing.

Australian $ Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all current coins and notes for the Australian Dollar. Thank you to Kylie Owen for your help.

Australian $ Value of Money TEMPLATE - This template has each value of coin from 5 cents and note to $100 with a blank square to add something of that value that means something to the student.

United Arab Emirates (Fil/Aed) Dirham Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all current coins and notes for the UAE Dirhams - Fils and Aeds.

United Arab Emirates (Fil/Aed) Dirham Value of Money TEMPLATE - This template has each value of coin from 1 Fil and note to 1000 Aeds with a blank square to add something of that value that means something to the student.

2L2.18 Calculate money with pence up to one pound (p)

Money Pence Flashcards TEMPLATE - Money flashcards for all amounts from 1p to 100p. [Cents (c) Version]

How much Piggybank WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook has a piggybank on each page with silver coins in it. They move up in value in tens. The student needs to work out how much in total is in the piggybank. [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

How much Money Sack WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook has a money sack on each page with a number of coins in it, starting off with two coins and increasing to seven. The student needs to work out how much in total is in each sack. The first page is a blank template. [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version]

SIMPLE adding money in pence WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook is based around adding altogether or in total items purchased at a bake sale. Amounts of money in pence used are all 2-digit numbers ending in 0s or 5s to keep addition simple. [Eco Ink Version] [Cents (c) Version] [Cents (c) Eco Ink Version]

MEDIUM adding money in pence WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook is based around adding altogether or in total jewels for a treasure chest and loot for a computer game. Amounts of money in pence used are based on number bonds to 10. [Eco Ink Version] [Cents (c) Version] [Cents (c) Eco Ink Version]

ADVANCED adding money in pence WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook is based around adding altogether or in total items from lists. Amounts of money in pence used requires a solid addition methodology to complete. [Eco Ink Version] [Cents (c) Version] [Cents (c) Eco Ink Version]

2L2.19 Calculate money in whole pounds up to £100 (£)

Money Pounds Flashcards TEMPLATE - Money flashcards for all amounts from £1 to £100. [Euro € Version] [US Dollar $ Version]

SIMPLE adding money in whole pounds WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook is based around adding altogether or in total cost of spa treatments and Minecraft blocks. Amounts of money in whole pounds used are all 2-digit numbers ending in 0s or 5s to keep addition simple. [Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version]

MEDIUM adding money in whole pounds WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook is based around adding altogether or in total the cost of clothes when shopping. Amounts of money in whole pounds used are based on number bonds to 10. [Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version]

ADVANCED adding money in whole pounds WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook is based around adding altogether or in total items from lists. Amounts of money in whole pounds used requires a solid addition methodology to complete. [Eco Ink Version] [US Dollar $ Version] [US Dollar $ Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Euro € Eco Ink Version]

2L2.20 Know that there are 60 seconds in 1 minute

Seconds in a Minute WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbooks looks at how many seconds and deciding if it is more or less than a minute. These can be used as a suggestion for ways to look at activities in the real world to identify if things take more or less than a minute. [Eco Ink Version]

MORE Seconds in a Minute WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbooks looks at statements of real life activities and the duration they take in seconds. The question asks you to decide if it took more or less than one minute. [Eco Ink Version]

VIDEO - The second hand - Seconds in a minute - Using a number line and stop watch to count the seconds in a minute.

2L2.21 Know that there are 60 minutes in 1 hour

Minutes in an Hour WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbooks looks at how many minutes and deciding if it is more or less than an hour. These can be used as a suggestion for ways to look at activities in the real world to identify if things take more or less than an hour. [Eco Ink Version]

MORE Minutes in an Hour WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbooks looks at statements of real life activities and the duration they take in minutes. The question asks you to decide if it took more or less than one hour. [Eco Ink Version]

VIDEO - Using a clock and number line to show minutes around a clock

2L2.22 Read 12 hour digital and analogue clock in digital time

INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Telling the Time to 15 minute intervals with Numberline - This short video cycles through the 12 hour clock at 15 minute time intervals showing both the analogue with a 0-60 Numberline and digital representation. It is an MP4 format and takes a moment to download.

Telling the Time to 15 minute intervals with Numberline TEMPLATE - This 48 page template has got the 12 hour clock at 15 minute time intervals showing both the analogue with a 0-60 Numberline and digital representation side by side. You can print and use the dashed line to fold or cut for telling and matching times.

INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Telling the Time to 15 minute intervals - This short video cycles through the 12 hour clock at 15 minute time intervals showing both the analogue and digital representation. It is an MP4 format and takes a moment to download.

Telling the Time to 15 minute intervals TEMPLATE - This 48 page template has got the 12 hour clock at 15 minute time intervals showing both the analogue and digital representation side by side. You can print and use the dashed line to fold or cut for telling and matching times.

INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Telling the Time to 5 minute intervals with Numberline - This short video cycles through the 12 hour clock at 5 minute time intervals showing both the analogue with a 0-60 Numberline and digital representation. It is an MP4 format and takes a moment to download.

Telling the Time to 5 minute intervals with Numberline TEMPLATE - This 144 page template has got the 12 hour clock at 5 minute time intervals showing both the analogue with a 0-60 Numberline and digital representation side by side. You can print and use the dashed line to fold or cut for telling and matching times.

INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Telling the Time to 5 minute intervals - This short video cycles through the 12 hour clock at 5 minute time intervals showing both the analogue and digital representation. It is an MP4 format and takes a moment to download.

Telling the Time to 5 minute intervals TEMPLATE - This 144 page template has got the 12 hour clock at 5 minute time intervals showing both the analogue and digital representation side by side. You can print and use the dashed line to fold or cut for telling and matching times.

What time is it? (to 5 minute intervals) WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook asks ‘What time is it?’ All times are to the 5 minute interval time - the first 10 questions have the 0-60 Numberline to help; the second 10 questions do not. [Eco Ink Version]

What time is it? (to 1 minute intervals) WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook asks ‘What time is it?’ All times are to the nearest minute - the first 10 questions have the 0-60 Numberline to help; the second 10 questions do not. [Eco Ink Version]

VIDEO - Time Flashcards - Which is different? O'clock and half past - Lance and Ella spot which card is different rather than telling the time. A great introduction to telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks.

VIDEO - Time flashcards - Matching the time on a clock to the clock face on the flashcard - Using a teaching clock and flashcards to find which one matches / is 'the same'.

VIDEO - Time Flashcards - Matching game - Karen and Ella race to match the time on the flashcard on their own clock.

2L2.23 Read and record common date formats

Maths For Life Calendars - Download our academic and annual calendars.

Read & Record Dates and Days WORKBOOK - This 12-page workbook marks a date in each calendar month in 2022 and asks the student to record the date and day. [Eco Ink Version]

Read & Record Dates on Food WORKBOOK - This 12-page workbook focuses on identification of the use by, best before and display until date on food packaging and marking it on the calendar. [Eco Ink Version]

Read & Record Date TEMPLATE - This is a monthly calendar for the 2022-23 academic year, one page per month. This can be used as a template to read and record different marked dates. [Eco Ink Version]

VIDEO - Reading a calendar - What is the date? - Discussing the month, day, thinking about yesterday/today/tomorrow, working out the date and looking at the weather.

2L2.24 Navigate an annual calendar in days, weeks and months forward and back

Maths For Life Calendars - Download our academic and annual calendars.

Navigate a Calendar WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook looks at finding a date one week and one month before and after a given date. Calendar months from January 2022 to August 2023 are used. [Eco Ink Version]

VIDEO - Reading a monthly calendar - Writing the days of the week - With support Lance reads information from the calendar. Identifying days in a month, dates and discussing yesterday/today/tomorrow.

2L2.25 Read and use simple scales to the nearest labelled division

Simple Horizontal Scale 0-10 WORKBOOK - This 11-page workbook is a good starting point. It uses a green horizontal scale marked from 0-11. The red arrow moves up in whole numbers. [Eco Ink Version]

Simple Circular Dial 0-10 WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbooks has two different circular dial scales from 0-10 to read. The red arrow is on the inside of the dial on the first 10 and on the outside of the dial in the second 10 pages. [Eco Ink Version]

Horizontal Scale 11-100 WORKBOOK - This 90-page workbook uses a green horizontal scale, marked in whole numbers as the major unit moving from 11 to 100. The scale uses different starting positions and the red arrow points to the scale in different places. You can use/print in sections. [Eco Ink Version]

Horizontal Scale 0-100 VIDEO - This is a short video cycles through the red arrow moving from 0 to 100 along the horizontal scale with only major scale marked. It is an MP4 format and takes a moment to download.

Horizontal Scale 0-100 WORKBOOK - This 101-page workbook moves the red arrow from pointing at zero through every number along the scale to 100 in order, only major scale marked. You can use/print in sections. [Eco Ink Version]

Horizontal Scale Randomised 0-100 WORKBOOK - This 101-page workbook randomly moves the red arrow, pointing it at a number between zero to 100 along the horizontal scale, only major scale marked. You can use/print in sections. [Eco Ink Version]

Simple Circular Scale WORKBOOK - This 35-page workbook contains 5 different scaled versions of a simple circular weighing scale. The scales go up in units, in 2s, 4s, 5s, and the 10s. [Eco Ink Version]

Semi Circular Scale WORKBOOK - This 51-page workbooks displays a semi circular scale with scale going up in 2s with only the major 10s marked. Randomly ordered for numbers from 0 to 100. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.26 Use metric measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres

Height of Sprouts in Millimetres WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook focuses on reading the height of a variety of sprouts on a vertical millimetre scale. [Eco Ink Version]

Length of Leaf in Centimetres WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook focuses on reading the length of a variety of leaves using a 30cm long ruler. [Eco Ink Version]

Width & Length in Metres WORKBOOK - This 36-page workbook asks how long vehicles and how wide buildings are in metres. The scale marked up in 2s to 18m. [Eco Ink Version]

Dimensions of Islands in Kilometres WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook asks how wide, long and tall different islands are. Like maps, scales are different. All dimensions are based on real islands and therefore can be used in conjunction with a geography topic. Special thanks to my son Dexter for drawing all the islands on Adobe Illustrator. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.27 Use measures of weight including grams and kilograms

Read weight in Grams WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook looks a telling the weight of recognisable objects on a circular scale 0-100 in grams. [Eco Ink Version]

Read weight in Kilograms WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook looks a telling the weight of recognisable objects on a circular scale 0-100 in kilograms. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.28 Use measures of capacity including millilitres and litres

Read Jug in Millilitres WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook contains a jug with a scale 1-30 in millilitres. Sheets are organised in order filling the jug from 1ml to 30ml. [Eco Ink Version]

Read Jug in Millilitres Scale in 2s WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook contains a jug with a scale 2-60 in millilitres. Sheets are organised randomly filling the jug from 2ml to 60ml. [Eco Ink Version]

Read Oil in Litres WORKBOOK - This 90-page workbook focuses on reading a vertical scale in whole numbers answering the question how many litres of oil in the barrels? Numbers are random from 11-100. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.29. Use measures of positive temperatures in degrees

Read Thermometer WORKBOOK - This 44-page workbook is four sets of eleven thermometers with different scales going up in units, 2s, 5s and 10s. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.30 Recognise and name 2-D and 3-D shapes including pentagon, hexagon, cylinder, cuboid, pyramid and sphere

Recognise 2-D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbook looks at the identification of 2-D shapes. Selecting by shape and shape property - sides, corners, curved. [Eco Ink Version]

Recognise 3-D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbook looks at the identification of 3-D shapes. Selecting by shape and shape property - faces. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.31 Describe the properties of common 2-D and 3-D shapes in the context of real life application

Real World Shapes WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook looks at recognising both 2-D and 3-D shapes in the context of the real world. The first 12 sheets look at identification of a single shape, the next 10 sheets look at seeing more than one shape and the final 8 sheets look at shape property. [Eco Ink Version]

Tower of 3-D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 6-page workbook asks the question will the tower of 3-D shapes stay up or fall down. It is designed to form the basis of a practical lesson on stacking items on top of each other. [Eco Ink Version]

2L2.32 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position and direction

Positional Vocabulary WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbook looks at position and directional language - left, right, in between, beside, straight ahead, opposite, forwards, backwards, inside, outside, below and above - in real life situations that can be modelled to the student. [Eco Ink Version]

Small steps, bright future.