Below you will find our annual and academic calendars. For each calendar the week starts on a Monday and has seasonally appropriate backdrops. Our academic calendars start with September 2024 and end with August 2025, while our annual calendars start in January and end in December. For each year there are also different versions:
Small - ordinal numbers are small and there is room to write on this version - perfect for practising adding events to your calendar and retrieving information about events.
Large - ordinal numbers are very large for easy reading, helping your students to practise navigating the calendar and finding specific days, dates and counting forwards or backwards in periods of time.
Dual - This version combines the small text and large text version. It has a back page which lists all the months together, to help with across month calculations and counting on / back in weeks or months.
2024-25 Academic Calendar TEMPLATE Small
2024-25 Academic Calendar TEMPLATE Large
2024-25 Academic Dual Calendar TEMPLATE
2025 Annual calendar TEMPLATE Small
2025 Annual calendar TEMPLATE Large
2025 Annual Dual Calendar TEMPLATE
2023-24 Academic Calendar TEMPLATE Small
2023-24 Academic Calendar TEMPLATE Large
2024 Monthly Calendar TEMPLATE Small