Foundations - Topic 2
If we consider the non-academic uses of maths it becomes clear that using common measures, shape and space form part of everyday life. This page contains all Foundation Level workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 2 - Using Common Measures, Shape and Space.
F2.25 Recognise coins and notes and write them in numbers with the correct symbols (£ & p), where these involve numbers up to 10
Money to 10 TEMPLATE - This 8 page template contains all coins and notes up to the number 10. Each page has an image and number, symbol (p or £) and word (pence or pound).
Identify Money as Notes and Coins WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook is a precursor to identifying specific notes and coins, focusing instead on simply identifying ‘notes’ or ‘coins’ from a range of options. [Eco Ink Version]
Identify Same and Different Coins WORKBOOK - This 18-page workbook helps students to build skills in identifying coins that are the same and different, through a series of increasingly more challenging questions. [Eco Ink Version]
Identify Same and Different Notes WORKBOOK - This 13-page workbook helps students to build skills in identifying notes that are the same and different, including the most current notes that involve numbers up to 10 in circulation. [Eco Ink Version]
Sort & Classify Money by Type WORKBOOK - This 28-page workbook is focused on categorising money up to 10 by type - notes and coins. [Eco Ink Version]
Select Money to 10 WORKBOOK - This 112 page money workbook contains a ‘Which is the…’ choice between two coins or notes with numbers of value up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]
Identify Coins in Piggybank WORKBOOK - This workbook contains an empty piggybank for use with real coins as well as a set of piggybanks with a 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, £1 and £2 inside. [Eco Ink Version]
Count How Many 1ps WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10-pages with piggybanks on each page with an amount of 1ps in them for counting / matching. [Eco Ink Version]
In recognition of the fact that the Maths For Life programme has a global reach, please find below templates for other currencies. These will be added when new regional members join. To request or help create a template email
US DOLLAR $ Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all the current coins and notes for the US Dollar currency. Thank you Elizabeth F. for your help.
EURO € Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all the current coins and notes for the EURO currency.
New Zealand $ Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all current coins and notes for the New Zealand Dollar. Thank you to Melanie Styche for your help.
Australian $ Money TEMPLATE - This template contains all current coins and notes for the Australian Dollar. Thank you to Kylie Owen for your help.
VIDEO - Identifying coins 1p, 10p, 2p and 5p - Ella and Lance identify coins on a worksheet with randomly placed coins.
VIDEO - How much is in the piggy bank? - Identifying 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p using a piggy bank worksheet, coins and value flashcards. Writing the answer with the 'p' for pence.
VIDEO - Introducing Money Flashcards - recognising coins and notes - Lance and Ella very excited seeing their favourite products with an image of the coin or note and value shown. Helping to give an understanding of the value of money. Includes 20p, 50p and £20 can be omitted at this stage.
VIDEO - Identifying coins within a group - Find all the 1ps - Lance circles all of the pennies within a large group of randomly organised coins. Laminate or use a pouch to make this a reusable resource.
VIDEO - Count how many 1ps - Lance counts groups of pennies.
F2.26 Understand the relative duration of a second, a minute and an hour
Time Passing WORKBOOK - This 18-page workbook focuses on identifying whether the activity described takes seconds, minutes or hours. Use this concept to allocate activities in the students life into the categories to make them more relatable. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Time Passing WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook focuses on identifying whether the activity described takes seconds, minutes or hours. Use this concept to allocate activities in the students life into the categories to make them more relatable. [Eco Ink Version]
Time Passing Bucket TEMPLATE - This 2-page template is for use in identifying which bucket of time activities fall into - seconds, minutes or hours. Page 1 is blank, page 2 has got two examples in each bucket. This could be a task completed over a period of time and added to when ideas surface or a homework activity to be sent home to do at a weekend or longer break.
VIDEO - Using sand timers to introduce duration (minutes) - Using two sand timers to demonstrate the length of minutes. Thinking about what is longer. 1 minute or 3 minutes.
F2.27 Understand the parts of the day - morning, afternoon, evening, night
Part of the Day WORKBOOK - This 12 page workbooks looks at images depicting morning, afternoon, evening and night. The aim is to look for the visual clues to work out which one is the correct part of the day. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.28 Understand what a day is and recognise the names of days
Days of the Week TEMPLATE - This 14 page template contains activities around the days of the week - looking at the names; the sequence; today, yesterday and tomorrow; and the concept of weekdays and weekends. They are designed to be printed, laminated and reused daily. [Eco Ink Version]
Missing Day of the Week WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook uses the idea of a weekly planner to practice sequencing the days of the week and working out which one is missing. There are three different versions starting on Monday, Sunday and Saturday with a template of each option at the end. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.29 Understand the concept of today, yesterday and tomorrow
Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow WORKBOOK - This 21-page workbook focuses on identification of the correct day given the other options. The first seven pages ask what day is today, the second seven ask about yesterday and the last seven ask about tomorrow. [Eco Ink Version]
Past, present and future WORKBOOK - This fun and colourful 12-page workbook provides the link between yesterday, today and tomorrow with past, present and future in language that is accessible for all students. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.30 Understand the relative duration of a day, a week, a month and a year
Maths For Life Calendars - Download our academic and annual calendars.
Time Passing Calendar Bucket TEMPLATE - This 2-page template is for use in identifying which bucket of time activities fall into - days, weeks or months. Page 1 is blank, page 2 has got two examples in each bucket. This could be a task completed over a period of time and added to when ideas surface or a homework activity to be sent home to do at a weekend or longer break.
Comparing duration WORKBOOK - Which is more, a day or a month? Which is less, a week or a year? Within this 25-page workbook, students can consolidate their understanding of the duration of a day, a week, a month and a year. The first 20 questions offer visual comparisons, followed by 5 real world examples. [Eco Ink Version]
Classify activities by duration WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook presents a range of different activities and scenarios, before asking the student to select an appropriate duration for each one - a day, a week, a month or a year. The first 12 questions offer 2 choices, followed by 3 choices for the remaining 12 questions. [Eco Ink Version].
Whose Birthday Happens First WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook looks at comparing time passing in days, weeks and months by asking the question ‘Whose birthday happens first?’ from a selection of two choices. Each choice is the same number but either days, weeks or months to enable to student to compare relative duration e.g. 3 days versus 3 weeks. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.31 Describe and compare marked differences in size between two items using simple comparative vocabulary such as large, big, small
Size Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 32 page workbook contains a variety of sheets exploring all aspects of size - comparing big, small, little and large. They can be used to explore the different context of the words and look for other similar examples in the world around us. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Size Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook contains more items to compare size - big, small, large and little. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.32 Describe and compare marked differences in lengths and heights of two items using simple comparative vocabulary such as long, short, tall
Length and Height Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 36 page workbook contains a variety of sheets exploring all aspects of length and height - comparing long, short and tall. They can be used to explore the different context of the words and look for other similar examples in the world around us. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Length and Height Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook contains more items to compare - short, tall, and long. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.33 Describe and compare marked differences in weights of two items using simple comparative vocabulary such as heavy, light
Weight Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook contains a variety of sheets exploring aspects of weight - comparing light and heavy. They can be used to explore the different context of the words and look for other similar examples in the world around us. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Weight Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 16 page workbook contains more items to compare weight - heavy or light. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.34 Describe and compare marked differences in capacity and quantity of two items using simple comparative vocabulary such as full, empty, holds more, holds less, has more, has less
Capacity Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 36 page workbook contains a variety of sheets exploring all aspects of capacity - comparing full to empty, holds more to holds less and has more and has less. They can be used to explore the different contexts of the capacity words - for example, a classroom can be empty or full, a vehicle can hold more or less - and look for other similar examples in the world around us. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Capacity Compare & Describe WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook contain more items to compare and explore capacity - has more, has less, holds more, holds less, is full, and is empty. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.35 Recognise basic 2-D shapes
Basic 2D Shapes - Four different versions of basic 2D shapes - circle, triangle, square and rectangle. There are both coloured and black & white versions.
Basic 2D Shapes TEMPLATE - Eight pages looking at Circle and Square, the shapes and properties.
Recognising 2-D Shapes WORKBOOK - Including circles, squares, triangles and rectangles, this 28-page colourful workbook uses repetition to consolidate the student’s ability to recognise basic 2-D shapes. [Eco Ink Version]
Properties of 2-D Shapes WORKBOOK - Students are asked to identify the appropriate 2-D shape based on it’s properties in this colourful 28-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Sort & Count Basic 2D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 28-page workbook contains only circles and squares. It is about categorising between the two basic shapes, sorting, counting and recording the results on a table. The first 14 pages are numbers up to 5 and the second 14 pages are numbers from 6 to 10. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Recognising basic 2D shapes - an example question from a workbook where Lance needs to select and tick the square in a choice of 4 shapes.
F2.36 Recognise basic 3-D shapes
Basic 3D Shapes TEMPLATE - Three different versions of basic 3D shapes - box and ball. There are both coloured and black & white versions.
Recognise basic 3-D shapes WORKBOOK - Throughout this 20-page workbook, students are reminded of the language 2-D, 3-D, box and ball through a mixture of geometric shapes and real life objects. [Eco Ink Version]
Flat or not flat WORKBOOK - This 20-page work uses real life 2-D and 3-D objects to explore what is flat and what is not flat. [Eco Ink Version]
Faces of a 3-D box WORKBOOK - A clear and simple 10-page workbook which consolidates the student’s practical learning relating to the faces of 3-D box shapes. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.37 Identify and select a variety of shapes to make simple pictures, patterns and models
Repeated patterns using 2D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook includes a variety of questions such as ‘What shape comes next?’, ‘What shape comes first?’ and ‘What shape is missing?’ [Eco Ink Version]
Pictures using 2D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 36-page workbook contains 12 different pictures using 2D shapes. Each picture is made up of a combination of squares, rectangles, triangles and circle. Each picture has three different pages - ‘What can you see?’ - an object made out of 2D shapes, ‘Can you make it?’ - the outline of the shapes as a template, and ‘Use these shapes’ - to be cut out and used to fill the template. For children with more advanced fine motor skills this can also be used as an OT / cutting and sticking activity. [Eco Ink Version]
F2.38 Use familiar and simple vocabulary to describe shape and size, such as straight, curved, flat, larger, smaller
Shape & Size Vocabulary WORKBOOK - This 35 page workbook contains a variety of sheets exploring all aspects of shape and size vocabulary - using the words curved, straight, flat, larger and smaller. They can be used to explore the different contexts of the words - for example, a road can be straight or curved, is a mountain flat? - and look for other similar examples in the world around us. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Properties of shape - quick fire questions - Lance and Ella point to the item Karen is describing using basic vocabulary to describe basic 2D shapes and colours.
F2.39 Understand and apply simple positional vocabulary, including in / out, under / over, front / back, in front of / behind
Positional Language TEMPLATE - This 7-page template contains simple pictorial representations of all the basic positional vocabulary including in, on, out, up, down, over, under, left, right, in front, behind, below, above, beside and in between.
Basic Positional Vocabulary WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook contains a series of illustrations with Jen, Bob & Mac asking to choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Looking at in, on, over, under, in front and behind. [Eco Ink Version]
Expanded Positional Vocabulary WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook explores real life scenarios using a range of positional language, including inside/outside, at the bottom/at the top, underneath/on top and front/back. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Basic Positional Language Flashcards and Makaton - Flashcards showing on, in, out, down, up, under, over, Karen demonstrates signing and models language, Lance and Ella sign and repeat.
VIDEO - Following instructions using positional language - Lance and Ella follow Karen’s instructions, placing their figures where she instructs e.g. in, on, behind and under.
F2.40 Understand and apply direction of movement, including up / down
Basic Movement Vocabulary WORKBOOK - This 18-page workbook contains a series of illustrations with Jen, Bob & Mac asking to choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Looking at up, down, in, out, left, right, forwards and backwards . [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Which one is up? - Lance chooses which animal is ‘up’ on the worksheet and describes the other animal as down.