‘Self Service’ Assessments
The Maths For Life programme is a dynamic programme that is constantly developing to meet the needs of our expanding customer base. We have been working behind the scenes on the ‘self service’ assessment process. It takes the concept of the baseline assessment to find out what a student truly knows and adds on a way of being able to analyse the results and generate targets. It is designed to be completed by teaching assistants / teachers / SENCOs / parents without the need for any specialist training. Multiple assessments at each level have be developed to enable progress over time to be monitored and recorded.
Following a very successful pilot, we were delighted to launch the ‘self service’ assessment process in April 2023 with the analysis tool and assessments available at each level. As we have published additional levels of the programme, we have added corresponding assessments. This continues to be a work in progress with additional assessments at all levels being added when produced. We have recently added a calculator at each level. This is an Excel based spreadsheet that replicates the self assessment tool and does all the calculations for you automatically!
At each level, the assessments are like for like. Any one of them can be used as the starting point - the baseline assessment. To measure progress, select a different version of the same level and use the analysis tool to compare results. If a student does a Foundation level assessment easily, you can move on to the Level 1 assessment however choose a different version, i.e. if you used FLA001 then don’t choose L1A001, use either the L1A002 or L1A003 version.
Follow the links below to access the pdf documents, download and use. If you have any questions or feedback please contact us.
Don’t know where to start?
If you have a student and are unsure of their Level, the All-Level Sample Assessment is a good starting point. This assessment is designed to get a quick overview of a student’s ability and establish the correct level to start the Maths For Life programme. It is recommended that once the correct level to start the programme is established, that a full self-service assessment at that level be completed to understand the exact profile of the student. There is also a printed version of it available to purchase in the shop.