Justify Maths For Life
Attention parents, SENCOs, teachers and teaching assistants this is how you justify using the Maths For Life programme.
These are all statements from the Ofsted “Research review series: mathematics” published on 25th May 2021.
“The evidence presented here supports careful consideration of sequencing and content that makes a mathematical curriculum a guarantee of long-term learning.” - the Maths For Life programme carefully considers each building block that is required before moving to the next layer.
“The ideal aim is for pupils to attain proficiency, not just collective moments of understanding, familiarity or experience.” - the Maths For Life programme prioritises the ‘readiness to progress’ on attainment of skill and ability to demonstrate independently rather than time passing.
“Acquiring new foundational knowledge takes time and effort. Foundational knowledge, particularly proficiency in number, gives pupils the ability to progress through the curriculum at increasing rates later on. Successful curriculum approaches tend to emphasis core knowledge early on… if this core content has been sequenced well and pupils have learned it thoroughly, they are less likely to forget it. A focus on core knowledge in younger year groups can be achieved by focusing on depth over breadth, covering fewer core topics but in more detail.” - the Maths For Life programme is all about gaining solid foundations, truly understanding simple maths before adding new concepts. Don’t introduce fractions until whole numbers are secured - it’s logically!
“The use of manipulative does not always guarantee that a pupil will understand and their use may distract pupils from thinking about content to be learned.” - the Maths For Life programme advocates the use of framed questions to ensure that content and understanding is attempted first and the manipulatives are used to support the solution.
“Pupils should not be rushed through content. Pupils who do well tend to have spent more time on the subject.” - the Maths For Life programme has no timescales associated with progression through the levels; it allows for the time needed to secure the topic and provides variety in resources to allow for repetition without boredom.
“Systematic curricular approaches give pupils with SEND and disadvantaged pupils a better chance of success.” - the systematic approach of the Maths For Life programme ensures that pupils with SEND are allowed the time to lay down solid foundations, have all content framed in practical understanding, and it will deliver them the ability to fulfil their potential and achieve the essential maths skills they need for life.
For more information, and to read the report in full visit the government website here:
“A textbook can help transform a curriculum offer into more of a guarantee of learning”