Level 4 - Newly Published
The Maths For Life Resource Library is a permanently evolving work in progress.
To keep up to date with newly published content, anything published within Level 4 in the last calendar month will be listed on this page.
**Newly Published - November 2024**
Friday 8th November 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 7 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Dollar $ Version]
Newly Published - October 2024
Halloween Worksheets - A little treat. Download and print one spooktacular questions per level. Happy Halloween!
Friday 4th October 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 4 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Dollar $ Version]
Friday 11th October 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 5 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 18th October 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 6 [Eco Ink Version]
Newly Published - September 2024
Friday 13th September 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 1 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Dollar $ Version]
Friday 20th September 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 2 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Dollar $ Version]
Friday 27th September 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 3 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Dollar $ Version]
Newly Published - July 2024
Friday 5th July 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 11 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 12th July 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 12 [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.12 Recognise the correct order to complete the operations (+, -, x, ÷) as BODMAS
Number sums using BODMAS WORKBOOK - We all know that BODMAS can be a challenging subject, but this 41-page workbook guides both educator and student through the topic using a structured, supportive and engaging approach. The first 5 pages recap the students’ familiarity with operations and how they apply to BODMAS, before moving on to 2-step and 3-step calculations with and without brackets. [Eco Ink Version]
Word problems using BODMAS WORKBOOK - Building on the knowledge gained in the previous workbook, this fun and colourful 15-page workbook encourages students to apply their understanding of BODMAS to real-life situations. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.31 Recognise simple scales on maps and drawings
Using simple scales WORKBOOK - Using real world examples; such as animals, transport and buildings, this 25-page workbook involves both multiplication and division to work out measurements using simple scales. [Eco Ink Version]
Using scales on plans and maps WORKBOOK - This 11-page workbook contains a selection of plans and maps which require the student to use scales to calculate distances using a variety of different units of measure. [Eco Ink Version]
4L3.35 Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats
Interpreting, comparing and changing data WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbook makes handling information and data engaging and relevant. Using real-world examples such as WhatsApp polls and online shopping baskets, as well as bar charts and line graphs, this workbook provides a variety of ways for students to practise interpreting information, making comparisons and recording changes. [Eco Ink Version]
4L3.36 Organise and represent information in appropriate ways
Table, chart and graph TEMPLATES - A selection of templates and teaching guides designed to be used alongside the workbooks within this topic. [Eco Ink Version]
Representing data in appropriate ways WORKBOOK - With information gathered from a variety of everyday situations, this 26-page workbook asks students to organise and represent the data in the most appropriate format. [Eco Ink Version]
Understanding and representing information in pie charts WORKBOOK - Join Lance and his friends in this 11-page workbook which includes guidance on drawing your own pie charts. The first 5 pages build confidence in understanding information represented in pie charts, followed by 5 pages encouraging students to create their own. [Eco Ink Version]
Newly Published - June 2024
Friday 7th June 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 7 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 14th June 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 8 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 21st June 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 9 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 28th June 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 10 [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.4 Understanding of negative numbers to -10
Missing numbers to -10 WORKBOOK - This 15 page workbook asks the student to fill in the missing numbers on a number line from positive to negative 10. [Eco Ink Version]
Reading a negative scale WORKBOOK - This 10 page, water themed workbook asks students to identify the depth of an object on a negative scale. [Eco Ink Version]
Adding and subtracting crossing zero WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook involves some of our beloved characters playing a game using dice and a number line. The students need to help the characters by reading the operation and number they have rolled and working out if they need to move up or down the number line. [Eco Ink Version]
Negative numbers and money WORKBOOK - This 25 page workbook contains a series of real life, money management scenarios, involving negative amounts of money. It covers key language such as overdraft, overdrawn, credit and debit. [Eco Ink Version]
Negative number word problems WORKBOOK - This 15 page workbook contains subtraction and addition word problems in real life scenarios, including lifts, multi-storey car parks, temperatures. The questions require the student to work out which operation to use to find the answer, moving between positive and negative numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare and order negative and positive numbers WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook asks students to compare and order positive and negative numbers by the highest or lowest value. [Eco Ink Version]
Comparing negative temperatures WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook asks the students to read and compare positive and negative temperatures using real life temperatures from cities around the world. The second half of the workbook asks students to compare and find the difference between two temperatures in cities during different months of the year. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.9 Divide a two-digit whole number by a one-digit whole number and express a remainder
Exploring inverse operations WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook takes the student through a step-by-step process exploring the concept that division is the inverse of multiplication. [Eco Ink Version]
Dividing a two-digit whole number with no remainder WORKBOOK - This workbook consists of 28 word problems which aim to build the student’s confidence with division before moving on to working with remainders. [Eco Ink Version]
Dividing by 2, 3, 4 & 5 with remainder WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook includes a variety of real-life situations which require the student to divide two-digit whole numbers by a combination of 2, 3, 4 and 5 whilst expressing a remainder. [Eco Ink Version]
Dividing by 6, 7, 8 & 9 with remainder WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook includes a variety of real-life situations which require the student to divide two-digit whole numbers by a combination of 6, 7, 8 and 9 whilst expressing a remainder. [Eco Ink Version]
Dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 with remainder WORKBOOK - Applying all of their knowledge from the previous workbooks, this 24-page workbook encourages the student to complete a range of division questions which are all set within real-life situations. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.10 Divide a one-, two- and three-digit whole number by 10 and 100 to two decimal places
Dividing one-, two - and three-digit whole numbers by 10 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 visually engaging word problems, involving a range of different units of measurement. The workbook begins by dividing one-digit whole numbers by 10 and gradually increases to three-digit numbers as the student’s confidence and understanding develops. [Eco Ink Version]
Dividing one-, two - and three-digit whole numbers by 100 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 visually engaging word problems, involving a range of different units of measurement. The workbook begins by dividing one-digit whole numbers by 100 and gradually increases to three-digit numbers as the student’s confidence and understanding develops. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.11 Use multiplication facts and make connections with division facts
Creating fact families WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook guides the student through the process of using a multiplication square to find related multiplication and division facts, with increasing difficulty. [Eco Ink Version]
Dividing numbers with a remainder using multiplication facts WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook teaches the student how to find the answer to a division question with a remainder, using multiplication facts and the support of a multiplication square. The step-by-step process is broken down at the start of the workbook. Support and prompts are gradually reduced as the student progresses through the workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Using multiplication facts to solve division questions with remainders WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbook allows the students to apply what they know by solving 3 division questions with remainders. Each set of questions has a multiplication square to support the student. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiplication Square TEMPLATE - This template contains two different versions of a completed multiplication square. [Eco Ink Version]
Blank Multiplication Square TEMPLATE - This template contains two different versions of a blank multiplication square. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.14 Recognise simple fractions - halves, thirds, quarters, tenths and hundredths of a whole number
Recognising fractions of a whole number WORKBOOK - This brightly coloured workbook contains 25 pages designed to gradually build knowledge and confidence in recognising simple fractions of a whole number. The first 15 pages focus on matching fractions of whole shapes, followed by 10 pages of writing fractions using every day foods to bring this topic to life. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.15 Relate tenths and hundredths of a whole number to decimals
Recognising and representing tenths and hundredths WORKBOOK - This 32 page workbook guides the student through recognising how tenths and hundredths can be represented in different ways (decimals, fractions, words and visually as part of a whole shape) whilst being the same amount. The workbook begins with identifying the equivalent amount and gradually builds to enable the student to complete missing parts in different representations. [Eco Ink Version]
Who is correct? WORKBOOK - This 12 page workbook introduces the keyword ‘equivalent’ and asks the student to determine who is correct in a series of questions relating to how tenths and hundredths can be represented. [Eco Ink Version]
Converting decimals to fractions using a number line WORKBOOK - This 36 page workbook looks at converting decimals to both unit and non-unit fractions with the help of a number line. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.16 Understand place value of tenths and hundredths
Identifying tenths and hundredths WORKBOOK - This 37 page workbook uses a familiar calculator image to help students recognise tenths and hundredths. The workbook builds in difficulty, starting with just tenths, then including ones, tens and hundreds. The same is then repeated for hundredths. [Eco Ink Version]
Recognising multiple numbers with tenths and hundredths WORKBOOK - This 29 page workbook builds on the previous workbook and encourages students to identify multiple numbers which include tenths and hundredths. The final 5 pages require students to identify both tenths and hundredths in one number. [Eco Ink Version]
Understanding place value of tenths and hundredths WORKBOOK - This 60 page workbook enables students to become familiar with how we write hundreds, tens, ones, tenths and hundredths as decimal numbers. The workbook begins with smaller whole numbers to one decimal place, with the information provided to the student in the correct order. The workbook progressively challenges students with larger numbers to two decimal places, with the information they need to write the number being provided out of the expected order. [Eco Ink Version]
Most and least tenths and hundredths WORKBOOK - This 40 page workbook includes bright visuals of every day objects where digital numbers are used. Students are asked to identifying which numbers have the most or least tenths and hundredths in a range of progressively challenging questions. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.17 Read, write and use decimals to two decimal places
Reading decimals WORKBOOK - This 60 page workbook is full of questions aimed at building confidence in recognising and reading decimals up to two decimal places. The first 10 pages look at one-digit numbers to one decimal place, followed by another 10 pages looking at two-digit numbers to one decimal place, and finally a further 10 pages looking at three-digit numbers to one decimal place. The same is then repeated for one-, two- and three-digit numbers to two decimal places. [Eco Ink Version]
Writing decimals WORKBOOK - This 60 page workbook looks at developing writing skills in relation to decimals using real life examples. The structure is as above, with the questions building in complexity throughout the workbook to finally achieve writing three-digit numbers to two decimal places. [Eco Ink Version]
Using decimals WORKBOOK - This 100 page workbook encourages students to use a calculator to solve a range of mathematical calculations involving decimals. This includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division involving numbers up to two decimal places. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.22 Time calculations with days, weeks and months
Time calculations with days and weeks WORKBOOK - This 26 page workbook focuses on time calculations using a range of real-life scenarios. The student will be challenged to navigate both forwards and backwards in time to determine a date, using time passing combinations of days and weeks. [Eco Ink Version]
Time calculations with days, weeks and months WORKBOOK - This 15 page workbook focuses on time calculations using a range of real-life scenarios. The student will be challenged to navigate both forwards and backwards in time to determine a date, using time passing combinations of days, weeks and months. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.24 Convert between measures of weight including grams and kilograms
Direct conversion between measures of weight WORKBOOK - This 40 page workbook looks at converting measures of weight using every day items. The workbook builds in complexity, starting with whole numbers before progressing to decimals. The first 20 pages ask the student to convert from grams to kilograms and then vice versa for the remaining 20 pages. [Eco Ink Version]
Conversion between measures of weight with a comparison WORKBOOK - This 30 page luggage-themed workbook requires students to complete a conversion between measures of weight, as well as a comparison between the weight of two bags using the language ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’. The workbook starts with converting from grams to kilograms, and then vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]
Conversion between measures of weight including more or less WORKBOOK - This 36 page workbook continues the luggage theme by challenging students to select which bag matches the required weight once they have completed their conversion. The workbook progresses to include additional challenges involving ‘more’ or ‘less’. The workbook starts with converting from grams to kilograms, and then vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.25 Convert between measures of capacity including millilitres and litres
Direct conversion between measures of capacity WORKBOOK - This 40 page workbook looks at converting measures of capacity using every day items. The workbook builds in difficulty, starting with whole numbers before progressing to decimals. The first 20 pages ask the student to convert from millilitres to litres and then vice versa for the remaining 20 pages. [Eco Ink Version]
Conversion between measures of capacity comparing three objects WORKBOOK - This 30 page workbook provides a given capacity and challenges students to identify which every day item matches once the conversion has been completed. The workbook starts with converting from millilitres to litres, and then vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]
Conversion between measures of capacity with a comparison WORKBOOK - This 30 page workbook requires students to complete a conversion between measures of capacity, as well as a comparison between two everyday objects. Mathematical language includes ‘least’ and ‘most’, ‘same’ and ‘different’ as well as ‘smallest’ and ‘largest’. The workbook starts with converting from millilitres to litres, and then vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.26 Read and compare temperatures from -10 to +100 degrees
Read and compare temperatures of different liquids WORKBOOK - This 15 page workbook presents the students with two thermometers indicating the temperature of two liquids. They must read and write the temperatures and then compare the temperatures by deciding which is either hotter or colder. [Eco Ink Version]
Match the image to the appropriate temperature WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbooks presents the students with a range of scenarios where they are asked to decide on the most appropriate temperature for the images. This includes weather, seasons, times of day and everyday objects and places. [Eco Ink Version]
Read and compare temperatures of different places WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook presents the students with the temperatures of different cities around the world and ask them to decide which is colder or warmer. The workbook moves on to ask the student to first find the difference in temperature in cities during different months and then decide which month is colder or warmer. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.28 Describe the properties of common 2-D shapes including lines of symmetry, right angles and angles
Draw and count lines of symmetry on common 2D shapes WORKBOOK - In this 20 page workbook the student is asked to draw a line of symmetry on common 2D shapes. The second half of the workbook extends the challenge by asking them to identify and count all the lines of symmetry for common 2D shapes. (Remember, a circle has infinite lines of symmetry!) [Eco Ink Version]
Draw lines of symmetry on irregular shapes and objects WORKBOOK - In this 12 page workbook the students are presented with a range of shapes, objects and patterns and are asked to draw or identify if it has a line of symmetry. You could extend the learning by asking how many lines of symmetry they can identify. [Eco Ink Version]
Understanding and identifying right angles WORKBOOK - In this 23 page workbook Lance teaches the students about angles and introduces a right angle. The student is asked to Identify right angles in common 2D shapes, then on objects and finally within pictures. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare and order angles WORKBOOK - In this 28 page workbook Lance introduces the angles 180 degrees and 360 degrees and how to compare angles to a right angle. The student is asked to identify if an angle is bigger or smaller than 90 degrees, compare angles and order angles by size. [Eco Ink Version]
Measuring angles with a protractor WORKBOOK - In this 16 page workbook, Lance introduces the protractor. The student is asked to measure the size of the angle inside a shape, and of a slice of pizza, by reading the protractor on the page. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.30 Use coordinates on simple maps to locate position
Locate a grid position using letter and number coordinates WORKBOOK - This 22 page workbook asks the students to locate object or places on a map and to write the location using letter and number coordinates. The first 10 questions are on a smaller grid (A-E, 1-5) and the final 22 questions are on a larger grid (A-J, 1-10). [Eco Ink Version]
Plot coordinates on a first quadrant grid - In this 15 page workbook the students are asked to plot coordinates on a grid. Starting with a single coordinate and building to multiple coordinates which create shapes on the grid. [Eco Ink Version]
Read coordinates from a grid WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the students to read and write the coordinates. The first 10 questions present shapes on a first quadrant grid. The second half of the workbook moves on to a four quadrant grid - this will require an understanding of negative numbers to 10 (to practise negative numbers see objective 4L1.4) [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.32 Use appropriate positional vocabulary to describe position of turns - full, half, quarter
Correct the position of the object WORKBOOK - In this 10 page workbook, help our workman and artists correct their mistakes by choosing the correct turn for their sign or artwork. The workbook includes quarter, half and full turns, clockwise and anticlockwise. [Eco Ink Version]
Correct the position of the vehicle WORKBOOK - This 12 page workbooks asks the students to select the correct turn to help the driver park the car, and the pilot to turn the aeroplane onto the runway. Drivers and pilots among us will know it’s not quite that simple, but the students need to see which way the vehicle is facing and which turn they need to make to park, or ready for take off! The workbook includes quarter, half and full turns, clockwise and anticlockwise. [Eco Ink Version]
Correct the orientation of the photo WORKBOOK - This 12 page workbook asks students to choose the correct turn the photographer needs to make to correct the orientation of their photograph. The visual of a mobile phone editing screen brings this workbook to life - something we are sure many of us (students and educators) have had to do. The workbook includes quarter, half and full turns, clockwise and anticlockwise. [Eco Ink Version]
Align the pattern WORKBOOK - In this 10 page workbook, help our DIY decorators to align the pattern on the piece wallpaper by identifying the turn they need to make. The workbook includes quarter, half and full turns, clockwise and anticlockwise. The final ones are very tricky (Top tip: you could print and cut out the tile and see if you can align it with the rest of the wallpaper). [Eco Ink Version]
Fit the jigsaw puzzle piece WORKBOOK - In this 10 page workbook, help complete the jigsaw puzzle by choosing the correct turn to fit the missing piece into the space. The workbook includes quarter, half and full turns, clockwise and anticlockwise. [Eco Ink Version]
Newly Published - May 2024
Friday 3rd May 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 3 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 10th May 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 4 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 17th May 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 5 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 24th May 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 6 [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.13 Recognise simple fractions - halves, thirds, quarters, tenths and hundredths of shapes
Match the fractions WORKBOOK - This 36 page workbook asks the student to match the image of objects and scenes to the correct description of the fraction. The last nine slides ask the student to name the fraction. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.23 Convert between measures of length including millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres
Convert between millimetres and centimetres WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook works on converting measure of length from millimetres to centimetres and vice versa using visual items and scales. The first ten pages are in whole numbers, the second ten pages involve decimals. [Eco Ink Version]
Convert between centimetres and metres WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook works on converting measure of length from centimetres to metres and vice versa using visual items and scales. The first ten pages are in whole numbers, the second ten pages involve decimals. [Eco Ink Version]
Convert between metres and kilometres WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook works on converting measure of length from metres to kilometres and vice versa using visual items and scales. The first ten pages are in whole numbers, the second ten pages involve decimals. [Eco Ink Version]
Conversion of length word problems WORKBOOK - This 22 page workbook uses word problems with measurements in millimetres, centimetres, and metres. They ask the student to apply their knowledge of the units and conversions of length to answer the questions. [Eco Ink Version]
Newly Published - April 2024
Friday 19th April 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 1 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 26th April 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 2 [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.7 Multiply a one-digit whole number by 10, 100 and 1000
Multiply by 10 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages working on the concept of multiplying by 10 by presenting scenarios of items used/purchased in amounts of 10. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiply by 100 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages working on the concept of multiplying by 100 by presenting scenarios of items used/purchased in amounts of 100. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiply by 1000 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages working on the concept of multiplying by 100 by presenting scenarios of items used/purchased in amounts of 1000. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 Mixed WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 24 pages. Each page has a scenario with an item being purchased in boxes/bags containing either 10, 100 or 1000. The student is asked to work out the total amount purchased give the number of each items purchased. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.8 Divide numbers by 11 and 12
Divide by 11 WORKBOOK - This 25 page workbook provides a series of framed questions that are all divisions by eleven. [Eco Ink Version]
Divide by 12 WORKBOOK - This 25 page workbook provides a series of framed questions that are all divisions by twelve. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.21 Time calculations with minutes and hours
Calculations from the O’Clock Time WORKBOOK - This 30 page workbook looks at calculations with minutes and hours from the o’clock time. The first fifteen focus on calculating the time in the future; the second fifteen focus on calculating time in the past. The first five in each section have a timeline to help with visualisation. [Eco Ink Version]
Calculations to the O’Clock Time WORKBOOK - This 30 page workbook looks at calculations with minutes and hours to the o’clock time. The first fifteen focus on calculating the time in the future; the second fifteen focus on calculating time in the past. The first five in each section have a timeline to help with visualisation. [Eco Ink Version]
Calculations not crossing the O’Clock Time WORKBOOK - This 30 page workbook looks at calculations with minutes and hours that don’t take the minutes across the o’clock time. The first fifteen focus on calculating the time in the future; the second fifteen focus on calculating time in the past. The first five in each section have a timeline to help with visualisation. [Eco Ink Version]
Calculations crossing the O’Clock Time WORKBOOK - This 30 page workbook looks at calculations with minutes and hours that take the minutes across the o’clock time. The first fifteen focus on calculating the time in the future; the second fifteen focus on calculating time in the past. The first five in each section have a timeline to help with visualisation. [Eco Ink Version]
Calculations to the Minute Interval WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook looks at calculations with minutes and hours from times at minute intervals. [Eco Ink Version]
Calculations in Minute Times Over 60 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook looks at calculations with minute times over 60. The first ten focus on calculating the time in the future; the second ten focus on calculating time in the past. The first four in each section have a timeline to help with visualisation. [Eco Ink Version]
4L3.33 Extract information from lists and create frequency tables
Create Frequency Table WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 14 different pages of information with a view to understand and extract the information into a frequency table. [Eco Ink Version]
Create Frequency Distribution Table WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 12 different pages of information with a view to understand and extract the information into a frequency distribution table. [Eco Ink Version]
Newly Published - March 2024
Friday 1st March 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 9 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 8th March 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 10 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 15th March 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 11 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 22nd March 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 12 [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.5 Multiply numbers by 11 and 12
11 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 11 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 11 x 1, 11 x 2, 11 x 3, 11 x 4, 11 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 11, 2 x 11, 3 x 11, 4 x 11, 5 x 11 and so on.
12 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 11 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 12 x 1, 12 x 2, 12 x 3, 12 x 4, 12 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 12, 2 x 12, 3 x 12, 4 x 12, 5 x 12 and so on.
Multiply by 11 WORKBOOK - This 22 page workbook provides a series of framed questions that are all multiples of eleven. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiply by 12 WORKBOOK - This 22 page workbook provides a series of framed questions that are all multiples of twelve. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.7 Multiply a one-digit whole number by 10, 100 and 1000
Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 Place Value TEMPLATE - This 2 page template contains blank place value mats with ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. It enables the student to see the connects between the numbers multiplied by 10, 100 and 1000.
4L1.8 Divide numbers by 11 and 12
11 Times Tables Division Facts in Skittles TEMPLATE - This 2 page template contains the division facts for the 11 times tables represented in coloured Skittles. The first page has the answers to the division facts, the second page does not have the answers.
12 Times Tables Division Facts in Skittles TEMPLATE - This 2 page template contains the division facts for the 12 times tables represented in coloured Skittles. The first page has the answers to the division facts, the second page does not have the answers.
4L1.13 Recognise simple fractions - halves, thirds, quarters, tenths and hundredths of shapes
Fractions of Shapes TEMPLATE - This 22 page template looks at the fractions of a circle, square, rectangle and triangle. It visually represents a whole, 2 parts as being halves, 3 parts as being thirds, 4 parts as being quarters, 10 parts as being tenths and 100 parts as being hundredths. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
Recognise the fractions of a Circle WORKBOOK - This 42 page workbook cycles through seven different circular shapes and asks the student to recognise the fraction that has been represented in order from a whole to hundredths. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
Recognise the fractions of a Square WORKBOOK - This 42 page workbook cycles through seven different square shapes and asks the student to recognise the fraction that has been represented in order from a whole to hundredths. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
Recognise the fractions of a Rectangle WORKBOOK - This 42 page workbook cycles through seven different rectangular shapes and asks the student to recognise the fraction that has been represented in order from a whole to hundredths. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
4L2.20 Read analogue time
Telling the Time Analogue 15 Minute Intervals WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to read the analogue time at 15 minute intervals and select which character has got the time correct. [Eco Ink Version]
Telling the Time Analogue 5 Minute Intervals WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to read the analogue time at 5 minute intervals and select which character has got the time correct. [Eco Ink Version]
Read Analogue Time and Represent as Digital WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks if the character has read the correct analogue time and then asks for the correct time to be represented on a digital watch. As it gives the student clues to whether it is AM or PM, this workbook can be completed for both 12-hour and 24-hour digital time. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.27 Read and record circular scales
Label Circular Scales (2-12s) WORKBOOK - This 32 page workbook looks at circular scales with intervals going up in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 8s, 10s and 12s and asks the student to complete the missing labels. [Eco Ink Version]
Label Circular Scales (15-1000s) WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook looks at circular scales with intervals going up in 15s, 20s, 25s, 50s, 100s and 1000s and asks the student to complete the missing labels. [Eco Ink Version]
Read and Record Circular Scales on the labels WORKBOOK - This 50 page workbook looks at reading circular scales when the dial is pointing to a labelled scale. [Eco Ink Version]
Read and Record Circular Scales between the labels WORKBOOK - This 25 page workbook looks at reading circular scales when the dial is pointing between the labels on a labelled scale. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.29 Recognise the angles associated with halves, thirds, quarters and tenths of a circle
Match the Angles of Pizzas WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to match the angle to the size of pizza. [Eco Ink Version]
Match the Angles of Cake WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to match the angle to the size of cake. [Eco Ink Version]
4L3.37 Find the mean and range of a set of quantities
Mean and Range WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 32 pages of scenarios with a data set. Ranging from four to nine data points, the student is asked to calculate the mean and the range of the data set. Numbers are mainly one- and two-digit numbers with a couple of lower three-digit numbers included. All answers are whole numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
**Newly Published - February 2024**
Friday 2nd February 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 5 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 9th February 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 6 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 16th February 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 7 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 23rd February 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 8 [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.1 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000
Read Numbers up to 10,000 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to read four-digits as the correct number. There are four different scenarios each repeated five times with different digits. [Eco Ink Version]
Read Word Numbers up to 10,000 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook uses the concept of a cheque to ask the student to read the amount of pounds written in words and fill the number into the numeral box. [Eco Ink Version]
Write Numbers up to 10,000 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to write the number of social media friends the Maths For Life characters have in word format. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare Numbers ‘More’ and ‘Less’ up to 10,000 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook looks at comparing two different numbers and asks the student to complete the sentence with ‘More’ or ‘Less’. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare Numbers ‘Most’ and ‘Least’ up to 10,000 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook looks at comparing four different numbers and asks the student to select which is the ‘Most’ and which is the ‘Least’. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.2 Understand place value of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones
Place Value Mat TEMPLATE - Traditional place value mat with thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Can be used in conjunction with Dienes/Base 10 or counters.
Place Value Mat TEMPLATE - Place value mat looking at the numbers that make up a four-digit number and their respective place value.
Read Place Value WORKBOOK - This 64 page workbook uses the place value mat template with Dienes/Base 10 to represent a four-digit number Lance is thinking of. Using place value it asks the student to read and deduce the number by working out the number of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones in the number. The last page is a blank template. [Eco Ink Version]
Identifying Correct Place Value WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook asks the student to identify who has followed the instructions and presented the correct number. [Eco Ink Version]
Create Number using Place Value WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook uses a set of four numerals and asks the student to apply their understanding of place value to create the biggest and smallest 4-digit numbers. This workbook could be printed as the numbers are large enough to cut out and help with the activity of swapping the numbers around. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.3 Estimate by rounding to the nearest 1000
Rounding Numbers to the Nearest 1000 WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook contains a series of items with numbers up to ten thousand. The student is asked to round each of these numbers to the nearest 1000. The first 12 pages contain two items per page; the second 12 pages contain five items per page. [Eco Ink Version]
Rounding a Number to the Nearest 1000, 100 and 10 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook contains a series of scenarios with a number up to ten thousand. The student is asked to round this number to the nearest 1000, the nearest 100, and the nearest 10. [Eco Ink Version]
4L1.6 Multiply a two-digit whole number by a one-digit whole number
Multiply two-digit / no units number WORKBOOK - This 72 page workbooks looks at multiplying 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 by a single digit. It allows you to do multiplication of larger numbers with only tens. Enables the educator to show pattern / connection to the times tables. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiply two-digit by one-digit number WORKBOOK - This 32 page workbook uses a random selection of two-digit numbers up to 99 and a scenario to multiply it by a one-digit number. The understanding and creation of the number sum to calculate is important. A calculator can be used to work out the answer. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.18 Calculate money using decimal notation to £100
Total Cost using Addition WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at different scenarios and asks the student to calculate the total amount. The calculations require the student to add two amounts with decimal notation. A calculator can be used. [Eco Ink Version]
Total Cost using Multiplication WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at different scenarios and asks the student to calculate the total amount. The calculations require the student to multiple an amount with decimal notation by a number up to 12. A calculator can be used. [Eco Ink Version]
How Much Left using Subtraction WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at different scenarios and asks the student to calculate the amount left. The calculations require the student to subtract an amount from another with decimal notation. A calculator can be used. [Eco Ink Version]
Cost per Item Division WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at different scenarios and asks the student to calculate the cost per item. The calculations require the student to divide an amount with decimal notation by a number to up 12. A calculator can be used. [Eco Ink Version]
Calculate Money using Decimal Notation MIXED WORKBOOK - This 40 page workbook uses all the scenarios from the individual workbooks above and asks the student to identify which operation is needed for the calculation. Each one uses different values to previous. A calculator can be used. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.19 Understand and compare value propositions
Identify Cheap and Expensive WORKBOOK - This 14 page workbook explores how to identify which item is cheap and which item is expensive by considered judgement. By looking at branding, packaging, ingredients and description we can compare the value of the items and make a judgement on their value. Excellent workbook for a class discussion. Examples can be expanded into practical application and other examples found. Last two pages are blank templates. [Eco Ink Version]
Identify Better Value WORKBOOK - This 18 page workbook looks at two different items and asks the question ‘Which is better value?’. The student needs to identify what visual information provided needs to help them compare value. This might be size, weight, volume, usage. Again, an excellent workbook for a class discussion and an excuse for a trip to the supermarket. A calculator may be useful to do some simple calculations. The last page is a blank template. [Eco Ink Version]
4L2.20 Read analogue time
Analogue Clock TEMPLATE - This set of 6 templates help to teach the concept of past the hour and to the hour times as well as quarter past, half past and quarter to positioning.
Telling the Time Analogue 15 Minute Intervals TEMPLATE - This 49 page template moves through all the 15-minutes interval times in a 12 hour period comparing clock to digital to analogue description of the time.
Telling the Time Analogue 5 Minute Intervals TEMPLATE - This 145 page template moves through all the 5-minutes interval times in a 12 hour period comparing clock to digital to analogue description of the time.
Telling the Time Analogue 5 Minute Intervals VIDEO - This video cycles through all the 5-minutes interval times in a 12 hour period comparing clock to digital to analogue description of the time.
4L2.29 Recognise the angles associated with halves, thirds, quarters and tenths of a circle
Recognise the Angles of a Green Circle WORKBOOK - This 53 page workbook explores the angles associated with parts of a green circle. It has a circular scale from 0-360 degrees as a reference. It starts by looking at the circle as a whole being 360 degrees and then explores the angles associated with halves, thirds, quarters and tenths. The later part of the workbook looks at identifying the angles of different parts in varying orientations. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
Recognise the Angles of a Chocolate Cake WORKBOOK - This 53 page workbook explores the angles associated with the slices of a chocolate cake. It has a circular scale from 0-360 degrees as a reference. It starts by looking at the cake as a whole being 360 degrees and then explores the angles associated with halves, thirds, quarters and tenths. The later part of the workbook looks at identifying the angles of different slices in varying orientations. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
Recognise the Angles of a Pepperoni Pizza WORKBOOK - This 53 page workbook explores the angles associated with the slices of a pepperoni pizza. It has a circular scale from 0-360 degrees as a reference. It starts by looking at the pizza as a whole being 360 degrees and then explores the angles associated with halves, thirds, quarters and tenths. The later part of the workbook looks at identifying the angles of different slices in varying orientations. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
Recognise the Angles of a Carrot Cake WORKBOOK - This 53 page workbook explores the angles associated with the slices of a carrot cake. It has a circular scale from 0-360 degrees as a reference. It starts by looking at the cake as a whole being 360 degrees and then explores the angles associated with halves, thirds, quarters and tenths. The later part of the workbook looks at identifying the angles of different slices in varying orientations. [Eco Ink Version] [Video Version]
4L3.34 Extract information from simple pie charts
Extract Information from Pie Charts WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 15 pages with different pie charts on each one. They start simple with only two or three categories and increase in difficulty to five categories. The student is expected to recognise the relative sizes of the slices and extract information accordingly. [Eco Ink Version]
Newly Published - January 2024
Friday 5th January 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 1 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 13th January 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 2 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 19th January 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 3 [Eco Ink Version]
Friday 26th January 2024 - Level 4 Workbook 4 [Eco Ink Version]