Level 2 - Topic 1
General number sense is defined as the understanding of number concepts and relationships, the ability to compute accurately, and the ability to effectively use numbers in daily life. This page contains all Level 2 workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 1 - Using Numbers and the Number System.
2L1.1 Count reliably up to 100
Count in the 20s WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 pages in order with items on each from 20 to 29 to practice counting. Items are in both regular and irregular order. [Eco Ink Version]
Count in the 30s WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 pages in order with items on each from 30 to 39 to practice counting. Items are in both regular and irregular order. [Eco Ink Version]
Count in the 40s WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 pages in order with items on each from 40 to 49 to practice counting. Items are in both regular and irregular order. [Eco Ink Version]
Count up to 100 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 80 pages and is designed to help practice counting larger number of items. Each page has a ‘Count how many…’ task and includes all numbers from 21 to 100 in a random order. Some of the items are positioned in a more orderly pattern allowing the students to develop their counting strategies as they develop their ability to count on in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s. [Eco Ink Version]
Count up to 100 with Numbers VIDEO - This video uses 1-100 flashcards with numeral, word and place value dots to help with counting up from 1 to 100.
Count up to 100 with ‘Real Life’ Numbers VIDEO - This video uses the ‘real life’ flashcards to help with counting up from 1 to 100 using numerals.
2L1.2. Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 100
Flashcards 1-100 Numerals - Set of Flashcards for numbers 1 to 100 with numerals only.
Flashcards 1-100 Numerals & Words - Set of Flashcards for numbers 1 to 100 with numerals and words, i.e. 14 and fourteen.
‘Real Life’ Flashcards 1-20 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 1 to 20 is real life scenarios.
‘Real Life’ Flashcards 21-40 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 21 to 40 is real life scenarios.
‘Real Life’ Flashcards 41-60 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 41 to 60 is real life scenarios.
‘Real Life’ Flashcards 61-100 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 61 to 100 is real life scenarios.
Number Square - A number square from 1 to 100.
Blank Number Square - A blank number square with empty boxes to fit numbers from 1 to 100.
Read Numbers up to 100 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 30-page workbook has got three characters holding up a written number from twenty-one to a hundred. The student is asked to read the written number and write it as a numeral in the box. [Eco Ink Version]
Match Numbers up to 100 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 30-page workbook has got three characters holding up a number from 21 to 100. The student is asked to match the number to the written words at the bottom of the page to complete the sentences. It practices reading, matching and writing of numbers in the word form. [Eco Ink Version]
Write Numbers up to 100 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 30-page workbook has got three characters holding up a number from 21 to 100. The student is asked to write the number in words to complete the sentences. It practices spelling and writing of numbers in the word form. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare Numbers up to 100 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 20-page workbook has got two compare tasks on it. Compare two numbers from 21 to 100 in real life settings and complete the sentences with ‘more’ or ‘less’. This task can be used in conjunction with a 0-100 number line, Numicon or cubes to help compare the numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
Order Numbers up to 100 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 20-page workbook has got two order tasks on it - 1. order five numbers from smallest to largest and 2. order five numbers from largest to smallest. Each task has a random selection of five numbers up to 100. As an alternative to writing the answer the in the box, they can printed and used as a combination maths / OT task by cutting and sticking into the right order. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.3. Understand place value of tens and ones
INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Understanding Place Value Tens & Ones - This video demonstrates numbers as place value tens and ones from 0 to 99. It clearly shows the exchanging process when there are 9 ones - there are no more space for another one and therefore they must be exchanged for a ten. [Eco Size Version]
Place Value (tens & ones) TEMPLATE - Place value chart with columns for tens and ones.
Dienes Place Value TEMPLATE - Place value chart for working with Dienes (Base 10) with one hundred space, nine ten spaces and nine one spaces. To aid with the idea of exchanging ten ones into one ten; there isn’t enough space for ten ones in the mat.
Understanding Place Value Tens & Ones WORKBOOK - This 100-page workbook asks the student to workout what number Lance is thinking of and representing on a ‘space limited’ place value mat. How many 10s, how many 1s and what is the number. They are listed in order from 1 to 99 with the final page being a blank template. These worksheets can be printed in A4 size and used with Dienes/Base 10 ‘sticks & dots’ for physical demonstration. [Eco Ink Version]
Understanding Place Value Tens & Ones TEMPLATE - This 2-page template contains two blank limited place value mats to work on understanding place value tens and ones. These worksheets can be printed in A4 size and used with Dienes/Base 10 ‘sticks & dots’ for physical demonstration or simply coloured in. [Eco Ink Version]
Show Number as Tens & Ones WORKBOOK - This 100-page workbooks asks the student to represent a random number between 0 and 99 in place value tens & ones. Working out how many 10s in the number, how many 1s and representing it on a place value mat. These worksheets can be printed in A4 size and used with Dienes/Base 10 ‘sticks & dots’ for physical demonstration or simply coloured in. [Eco Ink Version]
Using Place Value to Count WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbooks using objects aligned in 10s and 1s to show how a student can use place value to count larger numbers of items. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - An Introduction to Place Value - tens and ones - Karen explains the traditional exchange method and why it doesn't work for some students with SEN. Introduce adapted PV mats and how to use them to start teaching place value.
2L1.4. Recognise odd and even numbers up to 100
Even and Odd Poem TEMPLATE - This template is a 1-page document with the even and odd poems from Book 2 to help with understanding of what an even and an odd number is.
Even and Odd WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 25 pages of questions focusing on the identification of even and odd numbers from a selection of numerals. The first 5 pages work up in tens from 1 to 50 and the remaining 20 pages are randomly selected numbers from 1 to 100. [Eco Ink Version]
Real Number Odd and Even WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 pages of questions asking to decide if the number is odd or even given a choice of two real numbers. Numbers up to 20. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.5 Understand and recognise ordinal numbers up to hundredth
Ordinal Numbers (21st - 100th) TEMPLATE - This template contains three sets of ordinal number flashcards. One set with the numerical 21st to 100th, one set with word twenty-first to one hundredth and the final set containing both.
Ordinal Numbers to 100th WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages of questions asking about position using ordinal numbers up to 100th / one hundredth. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.6. Add two numbers which total up to 100
Addition TEMPLATE - This 12-page template has 12 different framed questions with blank spaces for you to add your own numbers. Each template is adding two numbers together and alternates between using ‘in total’ and ‘altogether’ language. [Eco Ink Version]
Adding two numbers up to 30 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages with framed questions adding two numbers up to a total between 20 and 30. It moves from ‘in total’ to ‘altogether’ questions. [Eco Ink Version]
Adding two numbers up to 50 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages with framed questions adding two numbers up to a total between 30 and 50. It moves from ‘in total’ to ‘altogether’ questions. [Eco Ink Version]
Adding two numbers up to 100 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages with framed questions adding two numbers up to a total between 50 and 100. It moves from ‘in total’ to ‘altogether’ questions. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.7. Subtract one- and two-digit numbers from numbers up to 100
Subtracting TEMPLATE - This 18-page template has 18 different framed questions with blanks spaces for you to add your own numbers. The templates move between ‘how many left?’, ‘how many more?’ and ‘find the difference’ language. [Eco Ink Version]
Subtracting one-digit numbers WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 24 pages with framed ‘how many left’ subtraction questions. The first 8 pages focus on subtracting units, the second 8 pages focus on subtracting from 10s and the last 8 pages focus on subtracting with the need to ‘exchange’. [Eco Ink Version]
Subtracting two-digit numbers WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 24 pages with framed ‘how many left’ subtraction questions. The first 8 pages focus on subtracting without the need to ‘exchange’, the second 8 pages focus on subtracting from 10s and the last 8 pages focus on subtracting with the need to ‘exchange’. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.8. Group numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
Grouping by 2 WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 50 pages and looks at grouping objects in groups of 2 and in pairs. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern - using animals, balloons, 50p coins and socks. [Eco Ink Version]
Grouping by 3 WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 50 pages and looks at grouping objects in groups of 3. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern - using animals, balloons, cutlery and dice. [Eco Ink Version]
Grouping by 4 WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 50 pages and looks at grouping objects in groups of 4. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern - using tinned food, dice, doughnuts and pens. [Eco Ink Version]
Grouping by 5 WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 50 pages and looks at grouping objects in groups of 5. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern - using tinned food, doughnuts, children and fingers. [Eco Ink Version]
Grouping by 10 WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 50 pages and looks at grouping objects in groups of 10. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern - using £1 coins, fingers, hats and people. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.9. Count on in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s
Counting on in 2s TEMPLATE - This 35 page template contains a series of sheets demonstrating the concept of ‘skip’ counting in 2s and how to build up a counting on in 2s number line. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting on in 2s VIDEO - This short video has been compiled using the Counting on in 2s template. It can be downloaded and saved to a tablet or computer for viewing and counting along with.
Counting on in 2s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 48 pages and focusing on finding the missing number on the counting on in 2s number line. It uses pairs of socks, trainers, maracas and gloves to demonstrate the concept of counting on in 2s. There are 4 blank number lines that can be used when fluent. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting on in 5s TEMPLATE - This 53 page template contains a series of sheets demonstrating the concept of ‘skip’ counting in 5s and how to build up a counting on in 5s number line. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting on in 5s VIDEO - This short video has been compiled using the Counting on in 5s template. It can be downloaded and saved to a tablet or computer for viewing and counting along with.
Counting on in 5s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 42 pages and focusing on finding the missing number on the counting on in 5s number line. It uses tins of food, doughnuts and plants to demonstrate the concept of counting on in 5s. There are 3 blank number lines that can be used when fluent. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting on in 10s TEMPLATE - This 45 page template contains a series of sheets demonstrating the concept of ‘skip’ counting in 10s and how to build up a counting on in 10s number line. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting on in 10s VIDEO - This short video has been compiled using the Counting on in 10s template. It can be downloaded and saved to a tablet or computer for viewing and counting along with.
Counting on in 10s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 36 pages and focusing on finding the missing number on the counting on in 10s number line. It uses hats, £1 coins and ‘Minecraft’ animals to demonstrate the concept of counting on in 10s. There are 3 blank number lines that can be used when fluent. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Counting on in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s - Karen explains counting on in… and how to use this strategy to support children with learning difficulties by focusing on sequencing and looking for patterns.
VIDEO - Counting on in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s - Karen demonstrates strategies for counting on in…
VIDEO - Using a number line to sequence/count on in - Karen demonstrates how to use a number line or post its to help memorise the sequence of counting on in 3s.
2L1.10 Understand multiplication as repeated addition
Arrays in 2s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 55 pages of arrays of 2s. It looks at the concept of multiplication as repeated addition - i.e. 2 + 2 + 2 is the same as 2 x 3. There is one completed example with 54 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 9 different arrays from x2 to x10. [Eco Ink Version]
Arrays in 3s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 55 pages of arrays of 3s. It looks at the concept of multiplication as repeated addition - i.e. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 is the same as 3 x 4. There is one completed example with 54 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 9 different arrays from x2 to x10. [Eco Ink Version]
Arrays in 4s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 55 pages of arrays of 4s. It looks at the concept of multiplication as repeated addition - i.e. 4 + 4 + 4 is the same as 4 x 3. There is one completed example with 54 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 9 different arrays from x2 to x10. [Eco Ink Version]
Arrays in 5s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 55 pages of arrays of 5s. It looks at the concept of multiplication as repeated addition - i.e. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 is the same as 5 x 4. There is one completed example with 54 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 9 different arrays from x2 to x10. [Eco Ink Version]
Arrays in 10s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 55 pages of arrays of 10s. It looks at the concept of multiplication as repeated addition - i.e. 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 is the same as 10 x 4. There is one completed example with 54 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 9 different arrays from x2 to x10. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.11 Multiply numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
2 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 2 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 2 x 1, 2 x 2, 2 x 3, 2 x 4, 2 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 2, 2 x 2, 3 x 2, 4 x 2, 5 x 2 and so on.
3 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 3 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 3 x 1, 3 x 2, 3 x 3, 3 x 4, 3 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 3, 2 x 3, 3 x 3, 4 x 3, 5 x 3 and so on.
4 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 4 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 4 x 1, 4 x 2, 4 x 3, 4 x 4, 4 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 4, 2 x 4, 3 x 4, 4 x 4, 5 x 4 and so on.
5 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 5 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 5 x 1, 5 x 2, 5 x 3, 5 x 4, 5 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 5, 2 x 5, 3 x 5, 4 x 5, 5 x 5 and so on.
10 Times Tables in Jellytots TEMPLATE - This 28 page template contains the 10 times tables represented in an array of Jellytots. It has one set with the order 10 x 1, 10 x 2, 10 x 3, 10 x 4, 10 x 5… and another set with the reverse order of 1 x 10, 2 x 10, 3 x 10, 4 x 10, 5 x 10 and so on.
Multiplication TEMPLATE - This 12-page template has 12 different framed multiplication scenario questions with blanks spaces for you to add your own numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiplication Sequence WORKBOOK - This 45-page workbook is a set of five full times table scenarios - one for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times table - working through from x2 to x10. They are in sequence. [Eco Ink Version]
Multiplication by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook contains a series of visually framed multiplication questions to enable the student to derive the correct multiplication sum. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - 10 Times Tables in Jellytots - Lance sequences the 10 times tables mats, using the times tables sequence for support.
2L1.12 Share numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
Share by 2 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 36 pages of items to share into 2 equal groups and calculate how many in each group. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern. [Eco Ink Version]
Share by 3 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 36 pages of items to share into 3 equal groups and calculate how many in each group. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern. [Eco Ink Version]
Share by 4 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 36 pages of items to share into 4 equal groups and calculate how many in each group. There are several progressions to work through - from the regular/lined option to the random pattern. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - What is sharing? - a great way to introduce sharing as the first step towards division. Discuss what sharing and sharing equally are and put them in a real life contexts.
VIDEO - Sharing 6 equally between 2 - Counting 6 bears and sharing them equally between two bowls. Language focus; sharing equally, equal and the same.
VIDEO - Sharing 20 into 5 equal groups - Using toys and plates, Karen and Lance share 20 toys into 5 equal groups. Karen models counting in 2s.
VIDEO - Sharing 12 into 4 equal groups - Using toys and sharing circles, Karen and Lance share 12 toys equally between 4.
2L1.13 Count back in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s
Counting back in 2s TEMPLATE - This 46 page template contains a series of sheets demonstrating the concept of ‘skip’ counting back in 2s and how to build up a counting back in 2s number line. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting back in 2s VIDEO - This short video has been compiled using the Counting back in 2s template. It can be downloaded and saved to a tablet or computer for viewing and counting along with.
Counting back in 2s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 48 pages and focusing on finding the missing number on the counting back in 2s number line. It uses pairs of gloves, maracas, trainers and socks to demonstrate the concept of counting back in 2s. There are 4 blank number lines that can be used when fluent. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting back in 5s TEMPLATE - This 53 page template contains a series of sheets demonstrating the concept of ‘skip’ counting back in 5s and how to build up a counting back in 5s number line. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting back in 5s VIDEO - This short video has been compiled using the Counting back in 5s template. It can be downloaded and saved to a tablet or computer for viewing and counting along with.
Counting back in 5s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 42 pages and focusing on finding the missing number on the counting back in 5s number line. It uses tins of food, doughnuts and plants to demonstrate the concept of counting back in 5s. There are 3 blank number lines that can be used when fluent. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.14 Understand division as repeated subtraction
Groups of 2s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 61 pages of arrays of 2s. It looks at the concept of division as repeated subtraction - i.e. If I have 10, how many groups of 2 are there? 10 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 0 is the same as 10 ÷ 2 = 5. There is one completed example with 60 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 10 different arrays. [Eco Ink Version]
Groups of 5s WORKSHEET - This workbook contains 61 pages of arrays of 5s. It looks at the concept of division as repeated subtraction - i.e. If I have 20, how many groups of 5 are there? 10 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 = 0 is the same as 20 ÷ 5 = 4. There is one completed example with 60 worksheets - 6 sets of items and 10 different arrays. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Division as repeated subtraction demonstrated on a number line
2L1.15 Divide numbers up to 100 by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
Skittles Division by 2 Mat TEMPLATE - This 2 page template summarises the division array with numbers for the 2 times tables represented in Skittles.
Skittles Division by 3 Mat TEMPLATE - This 2 page template summarises the division array with numbers for the 3 times tables represented in Skittles.
Skittles Division by 4 Mat TEMPLATE - This 2 page template summarises the division array with numbers for the 4 times tables represented in Skittles.
Skittles Division by 5 Mat TEMPLATE - This 2 page template summarises the division array with numbers for the 5 times tables represented in Skittles.
Skittles Division by 10 Mat TEMPLATE - This 2 page template summarises the division array with numbers for the 10 times tables represented in Skittles.
Division Sequence WORKBOOK - This 50-page workbook is a set of five full division scenarios - one for dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 - working through from ÷2 to ÷10. They are in sequence. [Eco Ink Version]
Division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook contains a series of visually framed division questions to enable the student to derive the correct division sum. [Eco Ink Version]
2L1.16. Recognise and interpret the symbols +, -, x, ÷ and = appropriately
Complete the Number Sentences WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 pages each with four number sentences. The task is to decide which is add, subtract, multiply and divide and insert the correct symbol. [Eco Ink Version]
