Level 1 - Topic 1
General number sense is defined as the understanding of number concepts and relationships, the ability to compute accurately, and the ability to effectively use numbers in daily life. This page contains all Level 1 workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 1 - Using Numbers and the Number System.
1L1.1 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 20
Flashcards 1-20 Numerals - Set of Flashcards for numbers 1 to 20 with numerals only.
Flashcards 1-20 Numerals & Words - Set of Flashcards for numbers 1 to 20 with numerals and words, i.e. 14 and fourteen.
Flashcards 0-20 Numeral & Objects - Set of Flashcards for numbers 0 to 20 with the associated number of objects to count.
‘Real Life’ Flashcards 1-20 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 1 to 20 is real life scenarios.
Number Line - Number Line from 0 to 20.
Blank Number Line - Number Line with twenty blanks spaces, useful for building up a number line by labelling it using one more than and one less than techniques.
“What Number is under…?” TEMPLATE - This template contains a variety of different numbers lines with numbers from 11 to 20 and a set of characters to create the “What Number is under…?” challenge. Laminate and cut out the characters to cover the numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
Named and Unnamed Character TEMPLATE - This 8-page pdf file contains 32 characters with names and unnamed for use with Maths For Life templates. There is a cross section of diverse characters included in the hope that one will look similar to your student(s). If there is none similar then please get in touch. They are the correct size to be used with the ‘What number is under?’ challenge.
Ordinal Numbers (11th - 20th) TEMPLATE - This template contains three sets of ordinal number flashcards. One set with the numerical 11th to 20th, one set with word eleventh to twentieth and the final set containing both.
Ordinal Numbers to 20th WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 50 pages of questions asking about position using ordinal numbers from 1st to 20th. The first 10 pages use 1st to 20th in relation to alphabetical blocks. The second 20 pages look at the position 1st to 20th of clothes on a clothes rail. The next 10 pages look at positions of buildings on a road. And the last 10 pages use only ordinal words first to twenty-sixth to look at letters in the alphabet. [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers of Words WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 14 pages looking at the ordinal position of a word within a short paragraph of two sentences. Each paragraph contains a total of 20 words. There are 2 examples and 12 different paragraphs with questions relating to the ordinal position of words. [Eco Ink Version]
Read Numbers 10 to 20 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 22-page workbook has got three characters holding up a written number from ten to twenty. The student is asked to read the written number and write it as a numeral in the box. [Eco Ink Version]
Match Numbers 10 to 20 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 22-page workbook has got three characters holding up a number from 10 to 20. The student is asked to match the number to the written words at the bottom of the page to complete the sentences. It practices reading, matching and writing of numbers in the word form. [Eco Ink Version]
Write Numbers 10 to 20 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 22-page workbook has got three characters holding up a number from 10 to 20. The student is asked to write the number to the written words to complete the sentences. It practices spelling and writing of numbers in the word form. [Eco Ink Version]
Match Amount to Number 11 to 20 WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbooks contains sets of three amounts and three numbers to match. Count the correct amount and match it to the correct numbers for numbers from eleven to twenty. [Eco Ink Version]
Match Amount to Word 11 to 20 WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbooks contains sets of three amounts and three words to match. Count the correct amount and match it to the correct number in word form for numbers from eleven to twenty. [Eco Ink Version]
Order Numbers up to 20 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 20-page workbook has got two order tasks on it - 1. order five numbers from smallest to largest and 2. order five numbers from largest to smallest. Each task has a random selection of five numbers up to 20. As an alternative to writing the answer the in the box, they can printed and used as a combination maths / OT task by cutting and sticking into the right order. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare two Numbers up to 20 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 27-page workbook has got two compare tasks on it. Compare two numbers from 10 to 20 in real life settings and complete the sentences with ‘more’ or ‘less’. This task can be used in conjunction with a 0-20 number line, Numicon or cubes to help compare the numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Number flashcards to 20 - numerals, words and objects - Lance reads the numbers on the flashcards, looking at the numeral, number in words and a visual representation of the number using objects.
VIDEO - Number line 1 - 20 - Lance and Ella complete their own number lines by reading the number in words and writing the numerals from 1-20.
VIDEO - Ordering 3 numbers on a giant number line - Positioning 3 numbers on the number line. Saying which number is biggest, smallest and in between.
VIDEO - Ordering 4 numbers on a giant number line - Positioning 4 numbers on a number line by looking for the biggest and smallest number remaining.
VIDEO - Ordering 5 numbers - Using the number line for reference Ella orders 5 numbers, thinking about the biggest and smallest number remaining to place the numbers in the sequence biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest.
VIDEO - Ordinal numbers up to 20th - Finding the nth letter in a word, or word in a sentence. A tricky concept as you can tell by the distraction tactics!
VIDEO - What number is under? - Number sequencing. Lance and Ella think about what number is under…on the worksheet. Counting forwards and backwards from numbers other than one.
VIDEO - What number is under…? - Lance and Ella use their mini-mes to cover and number on the sequence and challenge each other to work out ‘What number is under...?’. Make your own mini-mes using your students favourite people or things to make it fun for them!
1L1.2 Use whole numbers to count up to 20 items including zero
“Count how many…” from 11 to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 100 pages of “Count how many…” tasks. There are ten different objects with an amount 11 to 20 to count. The objects have been placed in both an ordered and a random pattern. This allows the student to start to see patterns, develop the idea of counting on from another number and also counting in groups. Several pages can be printed and used at a time. It will be useful over several years and to check that the objective is secured. [Eco Ink Version]
More “Count how many…” from 11 to 20 - This workbook contains 60 pages of “Count how many…” tasks. Each page has got different objects placed in a selection of ordered, random and circular patterns. The first three sets of 10 are ordered randomly; the second three sets of 10 are ordered 11 to 20. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Counting to 20 using a number line
VIDEO - Count how many worksheet - within 20 - Lance and Ella count how many items are on the worksheet with support from Karen. Using a number line to support number formation when writing the answer.
VIDEO - Count how many worksheet - Cardinality within 20 - Lance counts the crocodiles on the worksheet with support and then is challenged to remember the final answer. Lance writes the answer using a number line to support him.
VIDEO - Count how many within 20 - Lance counts the objects on the worksheet with support. Reading the question, counting and remembering and independently writing the answer.
VIDEO - What number is missing? - Using pockets, Lance and Karen challenge each other to spot the number that has been removed from the sequence. Thinking about counting on from a number other than one.
1L1.3 Add numbers which total up to 20, and subtract numbers from numbers up to 20
Double Ten Grid - Blank Double Ten Grid Template, useful for looking at what makes numbers up to 20.
Number Sentences - Number sentence Template for addition and subtraction.
Mixed Questions WORKBOOK - This 42-page workbook has a selection of addition and subtraction questions for numbers up to 20. They use all the different language and no symbols have been provided. The task here is to understand the language of the framed question and create the number sum to be solved. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Mixed Questions WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook has a selection of addition and subtraction questions for numbers up to 20. They use all the different language and no symbols have been provided. The task here is to understand the language of the framed question and create the number sum to be solved. [Eco Ink Version]
“In total” Addition Language
How many in total TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total?” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
How many in total up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 20. The first ten pages have the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. The second ten are doubles of numbers from 1 to 10 without prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
How many in total up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 20. Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
How many in total up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 20 without symbol prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“Altogether” Addition Language
How many altogether TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether?” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
Simple Addition WORKBOOK - This workbook includes 10 questions following the same format for the addition of two numbers up to and including 20. [Eco Ink Version]
How many altogether up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether…” for numbers up to 20. Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
How many altogether up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether…” for numbers up to 20 without symbol prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many left” Subtraction Language
Subtracting “How many left?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 different character options following the same format “Lance has…, He gives Ella…, How many does he have left?” for you to be able to use your own concrete objects on or draw / stick items in. [Eco Ink Version]
Subtracting from Numbers up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 20. [Eco Ink Version]
How many left? Subtract up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 20 with ‘-’ and ‘=’ symbols included to help. [Eco Ink Version]
How many left? Subtract up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 20 without any symbols to help. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many more” Subtraction Language
Subtracting “How many more?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
How many more up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 20. This workbook is designed to explore using counting on or subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]
How many more? Subtract up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 20. This workbook is designed to explore using counting on or subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]
“Find the difference” Subtraction Language
Subtracting “Find the Difference” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, find the difference in the amounts…” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
Find the Difference up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, Find the difference” for numbers up to 20. There are ten different options each repeated with the numbers reversed to demonstrate that it doesn't matter who has more or less, the difference is the same. [Eco Ink Version]
Find the Difference Subtract up to 20 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, Find the difference” for numbers up to 20. There are ten different character templates - the first set of 10 has the character on the left having more, the second set has the character of the right having more to demonstrate that it doesn't matter who has more or less, the difference is the same. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Subtraction within 20 using smarties - Edible resources are a great idea - just keep them out of arms reach.
VIDEO - Subtraction within 20 using objects - Using bears to work out calculation by counting them and taking them away. Trying to remember the answer to complete the number sentence.
VIDEO - Subtraction within 20 using Numicon - Lance and Karen demonstrate how to use Numicon to subtract. Lance practises writing a number sentence.
VIDEO - Subtraction within 20 on a number line - Lance and Karen demonstrate how to use a number line to subtract.
VIDEO - Subtraction within 20 using cubes - Karen models how to use cubes to teach a subtraction within 20.
1L1.4 Recognise and interpret the symbols +, - and = appropriately
Complete the Number Sentences WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages each with two number sentences with numbers up to 20. The task is to decide which is add and which is subtract and insert the correct symbol. [Eco Ink Version]
Note: In first edition of Book 1 the nomenclature for Level 1 topics is slightly different and represented as ‘1E’ instead of ‘1L’ .
