Foundations - Topic 1
General number sense is defined as the understanding of number concepts and relationships, the ability to compute accurately, and the ability to effectively use numbers in daily life. This page contains all Foundation Level workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 1 - Using Numbers and the Number System.
F1.5 Rote count the numbers from 1 to 10
INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Counting up and back from 10 - This video counts up to 10 showing a balloon inflating and the numeral, then deflating as the numerals count back from 10 to zero. Pause at the slides with the questions. When you get to the 'What happens if we count up to 10 faster?' you can play on fast forward x2 speed.
F1.6 Conservation of number
VIDEO Modelling Conservation of Number - This 2 minute video shows me modelling Conservation of Number with Zoë. Conservation of Number is a mathematical milestone and a known area of weakness. Keep coming back to this on a regular basis. You can use amounts from 4 to 6 to model.
Conservation of Number WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbook provides different examples of how to show conservation of number in a 2D way. The emphasis is on demonstrating that just because objects might take up more space there isn’t necessarily more of them. Ideally model physically as per video above. [Eco Ink Version]
F1.7 One-to-one correspondence when counting
1 - 10 Counting Flashcards / Mats - They are designed to be uncluttered and use ‘Handwriting without Tears’ font for the number.
0-10 Counting Flashcards / Mats - This version has numeral, word and amount all on the same mat for numbers 0 to 10.
0-10 Large Number Line TEMPLATE - A number line with numbers 0 to 10. One page contains the number line four times. This can be printed for use with workbooks.
1 to 1 correspondence TEMPLATE - This 9-page template contains blank mats with counting from 2 to 10. They allow you to draw, place pictures or concrete objects on top of them and draw a line to the corresponding count. [Eco Ink Version]
1 to 1 correspondence WORKBOOK - This 18-page workbooks contains two examples of each counting mat from 2 to 10. It asks the student to draw a line from the object to the corresponding count to aid with 1 to 1 correspondence. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - One to one correspondence - Give me 5 bananas - Lance counts 5 bananas onto a plate.
VIDEO - 1 - 10 Counting Flashcards - Karen explains why and how to use the flashcards to introduce number recognition, counting and to build their ability to understand one to one correspondence.
F1.8 Stable order when counting 1 to 10
Counting Aid - Counting aid template with tiles with holes representing the numbers 1 to 10.
1-10 Counting Aid Flashcards - This set of flashcards uses colour dots to represent the numbers and can be used alongside Numicon to help see the Numicon tile as a number. Printed as A5 you should be able to place the Numicon tile neatly over the coloured dots.
0-10 Stable Order WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 45 pages focused on the stable order of numbers from 0 up to 10. Starting with 3 numbers it asks you to put them in order. Via 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 - it works up to put all 10 numbers in order. The idea is to reinforce that the order of numbers is non-negotiable. You can use a number line to assist. This can also be used as an OT task by needing to cut the numbers out and then stick them in the correct order. [Eco Ink Version]
What Number Comes Next WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbook asks the question, ‘What number comes next?’ through a series of colourful questions. Includes two sets of numbers 1 - 5, and two sets of numbers 5 - 10. [Eco Ink Version]
0-10 Large Number Line TEMPLATE - A number line with numbers 0 to 10. One page contains the number line four times. This can be printed for use with workbooks.
F1.9 Cardinality - the last number counted is the total amount
How Many? - Aid for looking at the last number counted being how many you have. How many up to 3, 5 and 10.
0-10 Counting ‘How Many?’ Flashcards - This set of 18 flashcards aid with cardinality / understanding ‘how many’ from zero to ten. They allow you to place items on top and ‘see’ that the last number counted is how many / the amount of objects. When using the versions that start with zero you can demonstrate that having zero means there is nothing.
Counting ‘How many?’ WORKBOOK - This 36-page workbook uses the idea of a number line and items above it to demonstrate cardinality. It shows that the last number counted is the same as how many there are. The series is repeated for four different items, amounts 2 to 9. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Counting how many - Give me 9 - Cardinality - recognising the last number counted is how many - and hand over items to control counting.
VIDEO - Count how many - Cardinality within 10 - Counting the objects on the worksheet and remembering the final number counted is the answer.
F1.10 Understand 'zero'
Understanding Zero WORKBOOK - This 40-page workbook reinforces the understanding of zero as having nothing. It is a series of four scenarios showing character one as having some of an amount of an item (1 to 10) and character two as having zero. [Eco Ink Version]
0-10 Large Number Line TEMPLATE - A number line with numbers 0 to 10. One page contains the number line four times. This can be printed for use with workbooks.
F1.11 Subitising - visual spotting, understanding the wholeness of a number
Subitising Aid - Subitising with dice / dots from 1 to 6.
1-6 Subitising Flashcards TEMPLATE - This 6-page template represents the numeral together with the standard dot dice representation for numbers 1 to 6.
Subitising WORKBOOK - Each page on this 24-page workbook has got three standard dot dice faces and asks the question ‘What numbers do you see?’. The task here is to ‘see’ the number rather than count the dots. A trick is to show the visual and before the student gets a chance to count the dots cover it. Removing the ability to count allows the student to recall what number they have seen. [Eco Ink Version]
F1.12 Recognise numerals from 0 to 10
Flashcards 1-10 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 1 to 10 as numerals.
0-10 Large Number Line TEMPLATE - A number line with numbers 0 to 10. One page contains the number line four times. This can be printed for use with workbooks.
‘Real Life’ Flashcards 1-10 Numerals - Set of Flashcards showing numbers 1 to 10 is real life scenarios.
Recognising numerals WORKBOOK - This 22-page workbook asks the student to find and circle different numerals from a selection of numerals; the first set has less numerals and the second set has all numerals for 0 to 10. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Matching numbers 1-10 on a number line - recognising and matching number flashcards and placing them above a number line.
F1.13 Know the value of numerals from 0 to 10
Number Line - Number Line from 1 to 10.
0-10 Large Number Line TEMPLATE - A number line with numbers 0 to 10. One page contains the number line four times. This can be printed for use with workbooks.
Match Amount to Number up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 35-page workbooks contains sets of three amounts and three numbers to match. Count the correct amount and match it to the correct numbers for numbers from zero to ten. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare two Numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 27-page workbook has got two compare tasks on it. Compare two numbers from 0 to 10 in real life settings and complete the sentences with ‘more’ or ‘less’. This task can be used in conjunction with a 0-10 number line, Numicon or cubes to help compare the numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
F1.14 Write numbers 0 to 10
Number Formation 1-10 TEMPLATE - This 10-page template contains a sheet for each number and has a number formation rhyme and outline to copy. [Eco Ink Version]
Writing Practice 1-10 TEMPLATE - This 10-page template contains a sheet for each number of writing practice. [Eco Ink Version]
Write Numerals up to 10 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 22-page workbook has got three characters holding up a written number from zero to ten. The student is asked to read the written number and write it as a numeral in the box. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Writing numbers with a number line for support - Lance counts the items on the worksheet and practises writing the number 6 using a number line to support him.
F1.15 Read and write numbers zero to ten
Read Numbers Flashcards TEMPLATE - Set of flashcards for matching numeral to word 0-10, zero to ten.
Write Written Word Numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 22-page workbook has got three characters holding up a number from 0 to 10. The student is asked to write the number to the written words to complete the sentences. It practices spelling and writing of numbers in the word form. [Eco Ink Version]
Match Numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 22-page workbook has got three characters holding up a number from 0 to 10. The student is asked to match the number to the written words at the bottom of the page to complete the sentences. It practices reading, matching and writing of numbers in the word form. [Eco Ink Version]
Match Amount to Word up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 35-page workbooks contains sets of three amounts and three words to match. Count the correct amount and match it to the correct number in word form for numbers from zero to ten. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Match Numbers up to 10 - Demonstration of matching numbers to visual representations worksheet.
F1.16 Order and compare numbers up to 10
“What Number is under…?” TEMPLATE - This template contains a variety of different numbers lines with numbers from 1 to 10 and a set of characters to create the “What Number is under…?” challenge. Laminate and cut out the characters to cover the numbers.
Named and Unnamed Character TEMPLATE - This 32-page pdf file contains all of the Maths For Life characters with names and unnamed for use with our Maths For Life templates. There is a cross section of diverse characters included in the hope that one will look similar to your student(s). If there is none similar then please get in touch.
“Is there enough?” WORKBOOK - This 12-page workbooks works on the concept of ‘is there enough?’ by looking at the amount needed and comparing it to the amount there is. It is a good idea to use a number line with this activity. [Eco Ink Version]
More or less WORKBOOK - This 10-page medical based workbook asks if the doctor has completed more or less medical procedures. It looks at comparing and ordering two numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
Hopscotch WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbook uses hopscotch to ask the question, ‘What number is under the stone?’. This is an example of a workbook that can be brought to life as a practical activity. [Eco Ink Version]
One more and one less WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook explores how to find one more or one less than a number up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]
Sequence Numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook asks students to sequence numbers starting with 1-3, then 1-5, 6-10 and finishing with 0-10. [Eco Ink Version]
Order real numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbooks uses real numbers. The first 10 pages look at comparing two numbers to decide which is bigger or smaller. The second 10 pages look at four numbers and asks you to order from smallest to biggest or vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]
Order Numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - Each page on this 20-page workbook has got two order tasks on it - 1. order five numbers from smallest to largest and 2. order five numbers from largest to smallest. Each task has a random selection of five numbers up to 10. As an alternative to writing the answer the in the box, they can printed and used as a combination maths / OT task by cutting and sticking into the right order. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - One more and one less within 5 - Using concrete objects to demonstrate. Lance is supported when thinking about what is one more than…?/what is one less than…?
VIDEO - What number is under...? - Modelling how to use the ‘What number is under…?’ resource with Lance and Ella.
VIDEO - What number is under...? - Playing a game with Lance and Ella using the ‘What number is under…? resource.
VIDEO - Is there enough? - Introducing the concept of ‘do you have enough?’ using Numicon to support learning.
VIDEO - Ordering number to 10 using Numicon - Lance, Karen and Puppet order Numicon from 1 -10.
VIDEO - Count how many - basic table - comparing numbers - Counting items on the worksheet and comparing the answers thinking about the most/least, biggest/smallest.
F1.17 Use whole numbers to count reliably up to 10 items including zero
“Count how many…” up to 10 WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 100 pages of “Count how many…” tasks. There are ten different objects with an amount 1 to 10 to count. The objects have been placed in both an ordered and a random pattern. This allows the student to be able to consolidate the idea that there is the same amount no matter how the objects are arranged. Several pages can be printed and used at a time. It will be useful over several years and to check that the objective is secured. [Eco Ink Version]
“Count how many…” up to 10 TEMPLATE - This template allows you to print and laminate the outlines from the workbook and objects for longevity. Or use paper copies and add cutting & sticking as an occupational therapy element of the activity.
Count up to 5 WORKBOOK - This 100-page workbook contains a variety of objects grouped in representations of numbers up to 5. It looks at identifying ‘how many?’ by counting and comparing representations by seeing ‘one more than’, ‘one less' than’ and ‘the same’ in a linear representation of objects. [Eco Ink Version]
Count up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 100-page workbook contains a variety of objects grouped in representations of numbers up to 10. It looks at identifying ‘how many?’ by counting and comparing representations by seeing ‘one more than’, ‘one less' than’ and ‘the same’ in a linear representation of objects. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - 'Count how many...' up to 10 - Lance counts how many balloons, Karen ticks them off as he counts and Lance writes the answer.
VIDEO - ‘Count how many…’ up to 10 - Lance and Ella count how many objects on the worksheet and write the answers. A good example of how crossing off or circling the objects as you count can help support your students.
VIDEO - Count how many - counting specific objects within a group - Reading the question, deciding what to count, counting and recording the answer.
F1.18 Count on from a number other than 1
Counting On WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook uses a number line to assist with the concept of counting on from a number other than 1. This can be modelling in reality with concrete objects into a vessel. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Counting on from a number other than 1 - Using pockets resource (you can just focus on numbers 1-10 at this stage) removing a number and spotting which number is missing. Encouraging students to count on from a number other than one. This can be done simply with number flashcards or you can purchase the pockets.
F1.19 Count backwards from 10 to zero
INTERACTIVE VIDEO - Counting backwards from 10 to zero - This video counts 10 carrots and then counts backwards from 10 to zero as the hungry bunny eats them.
Count Back from Numbers to Zero - This 16-page workbook uses the concept of a rocket launching and a cube tower to physical represent counting backwards. In each case the student is asked to identify the starting number in the counting back sequence. [Eco Ink Version]
Counting Back WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbook uses the concept of the next episode countdown to look at counting backwards from 10. Identifying the missing and next number in the sequence. [Eco Ink Version]
F1.20 Compare two given numbers of objects in groups of up to ten
Compare Two Numbers TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more / who has less?” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
Compare Two Numbers WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook looks at comparing two amounts and deciding who has more / less. It uses a 1-10 number line to compare the numbers. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Who has more or less? - Karen and Ella discuss who has more or less, this is often a significant challenge and needs repetition. Deciding who has more or less and writing the answer in words using key words from the question.
VIDEO - Comparing two numbers - Who has more? - Modelling how to teach the concept of more using the worksheets and bears and Numicon to support learning. Ella works through a tricky question and arrives at the correct answer.
VIDEO - Comparing two numbers and using Numicon and scales - Lance and Ella select numicon and decide who has more or less. They check their answers by placing then on weighing scales to see that the one who has the larger number, weighs more and the scales go down. So many opportunities to cover a range of mathematical language and concepts.
F1.21 Use ordinal numbers from first to tenth, when describing position in a sequence of numbers
Ordinal Numbers (1st - 10th) TEMPLATE - This template contains three sets of ordinal number flashcards. One set with the numerical 1st to 10th, one set with word first to tenth and the final set containing both.
Ordinal Numbers Combined WORKBOOK - This 56 page workbook includes a range of different scenarios involving ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd, including queues, podiums and medals. [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers in a Queue 1st, 2nd & 3rd WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook asks the student to identify the position of people in a queue. The first 12 pages use 1st, 2nd and 3rd, whilst the second 12 pages use first, second, third and ‘last’. [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers in a Queue 1st to 5th WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages of questions asking about position of children in a queue. The first 10 pages use 1st to 5th. The second 10 pages use first to fifth/last. The last 10 pages use a mixture of words and numbers and ‘last’. [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers in a Queue 1st to 10th WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 40 pages of questions asking about position of adults in a queue. The first 10 pages use 1st to 10th. The second 20 pages use a combination of 1st to 10th and first to tenth. The last 10 pages use only ordinal words first to tenth. [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers Podium WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 48 questions based around positions on a podium, asking the student to make the link between ordinal number words (first, second & third) and numerals (1st, 2nd & 3rd). [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers Medal WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 35 questions involving medal winners to explore ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd. [Eco Ink Version]
Writing Ordinal Numbers WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook features both animals and people queueing in various settings. Students are asked to identify the position of a character and write the corresponding ordinal number. [Eco Ink Version]
Order of instruction WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook explores the order of instruction for everyday tasks and activities. Starting with choosing which is first/last out of two steps and moving on to sequencing up to 5 events into the order they are done or happen. Warning: some aren’t so straight forward, this is why we don’t publish answers, it should be a discussion. [Eco Ink Version]
Ordinal Numbers of Letters WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 40 pages of examples and questions relating to the ordinal position of letters within words. The words start with three letters and progress on to ten letter words. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Ordinal Numbers 1st to 5th - Working through a worksheet showing queuing children with Ella.
VIDEO - Ordinal Numbers 1st to 10th - Using a number line and toys to teach ordinal numbers, modelling language including first and last.
F1.22 Simple whole number addition up to a value of 10
Ten Grid - Blank Ten Grid Template, useful for looking at what makes 5 and what makes 10.
Number Sentences Template - Number sentence template for addition and subtraction.
Simple Addition WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…” and alternates between asking “how many altogether?” and “how many in total?” Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
More Simple Addition WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…” and alternates between asking “how many altogether?” and “how many in total?” Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“In total” Addition Language
“How many in total?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total?” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many in total?” up to 5 with symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 5. Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many in total?” up to 5 without symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 5 without symbol prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many in total?” up to 10 with symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 10. Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many in total?” up to 10 without symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many in total…” for numbers up to 10 without symbol prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“Altogether” Addition Language
“How many altogether?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether?” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many altogether?” up to 5 with symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether…” for numbers up to 5. Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many altogether?” up to 5 without symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether…” for numbers up to 5 without symbol prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many altogether?” up to 10 with symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether…” for numbers up to 10. Each page has the ‘+’ and ‘=’ prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many altogether?” up to 10 without symbols WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, how many altogether…” for numbers up to 10 without symbol prompts. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Simple addition using concrete objects - Practising counting on rather than counting all. Helping Lance to memorize a number by covering objects and asking him to hold number in his head.
VIDEO - ‘How many altogether?’ up to 10 - Working through a simple addition with Lance and Ella. Counting how many each person has on the worksheet and working out how many they have altogether using cubes and Numicon to support the addition.
VIDEO - 'How many altogether?' Up to 10 including zero - Working through an addition which involves adding zero. Using dienes to support the addition.
VIDEO - Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
F1.23 Simple whole number subtraction from numbers up to 10
Ten Grid - Blank Ten Grid Template.
Number Sentences - Number sentence Template for addition and subtraction.
“How many left” Subtraction Language
“How many left?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 different character options following the same format “Lance has…, He gives Ella…, How many does he have left?” for you to be able to use your own concrete objects on or draw / stick items in. [Eco Ink Version]
Simple Subtraction up to 5 WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at subtraction in it’s simplest form, following the format ‘how many left?’ using numbers up to 5. [Eco Ink Version]
Simple Subtraction up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at subtraction in it’s simplest form, following the format ‘how many left?’ using numbers up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many left?” up to 5 with symbols WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 5 with ‘-’ and ‘=’ symbols included to help. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many left?” up to 5 without symbols WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 5 without any symbols to help. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many left?” up to 10 with symbols WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 10 with ‘-’ and ‘=’ symbols included to help. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many left?” up to 10 without symbols WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 questions following the same format “Lance has…, Lance gives Ella…, How many does Lance have left?” for numbers up to 10 without any symbols to help. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Subtraction within 5 - How many left? - A simple subtraction using cubes and Numicon to support workings, and modelling language and writing the number sentence. Checking answers with a calculator.
VIDEO - Subtraction within 10 - How many left? - A simple subtraction using cubes. Modelling language and writing the number sentence and checking answers with a calculator.
VIDEO - Simple subtraction - 'Give away' and 'How many left?' - A simple ‘give away’ subtraction. Counting how many, recording the answer, using blocks to model the ‘giving away’, then creating the number sentence. Give me five!
“How many more” Subtraction Language
“How many more?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many more?” up to 5 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 5. This workbook is designed to explore using counting on or subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many more?” up to 10 WORKBOOK 1 - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 10. This workbook is designed to explore using counting on or subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]
“How many more?” up to 10 WORKBOOK 2 - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 10. This workbook is designed to explore subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]
“Find the difference” Subtraction Language
“Find the Difference” TEMPLATE - This template contains 15 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, find the difference in the amounts…” with 15 different character combinations. They can be printed and laminated for use with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
“Find the Difference” up to 5 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, Find the difference” for numbers up to 5. There are ten different options each repeated with the numbers reversed to demonstrate that it doesn't matter who has more or less, the difference is the same. [Eco Ink Version]
“Find the Difference” up to 10 WORKBOOK 1 - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, Find the difference” for numbers up to 10. There are ten different options each repeated with the numbers reversed to demonstrate that it doesn't matter who has more or less, the difference is the same. [Eco Ink Version]
“Find the Difference” up to 10 WORKBOOK 2 - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, Find the difference” for numbers up to 10. There are ten different options each repeated with the numbers reversed to demonstrate that it doesn't matter who has more or less, the difference is the same. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Introduction to finding the difference - Starting to think about finding the difference by describing the difference between towers of cubes. Which is taller/shorter.
VIDEO - Finding the difference in amounts - comparing two towers of cubes and working out how much they are different by.
F1.24 Recognise and interpret the symbols +, - and = appropriately
Number Sentences - Number sentence template for addition and subtraction.
Which Operation WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages with framed addition and subtraction sums. The task is to complete the number sentence by inserting the correct symbol. [Eco Ink Version]
MORE Which Operation WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages with framed addition and subtraction questions. The task is to work through them and decide the missing operation to put in the box. [Eco Ink Version]
Complete the Number Sentences WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 10 pages each with two number sentences using the same numbers. The task is to decide which is add and which is subtract and insert the correct symbol. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Addition within 10 - number sentence - Demonstration of using this adaptable resource where the teacher can represent any number by drawing them onto the worksheet. Using Dienes to support addition then completing the number sentence using a number line to support number formation. Modelling how to write the number sentence and checking answers using a calculator. Top tip: use a laminated copy or plastic wallet so you can reuse the worksheet.
VIDEO - Simple addition within 10 worksheet - Using blocks to support addition, using the ‘counting on’ method to calculate the answer. Creating the number sentence, remembering the answer to complete the sum.
VIDEO - Simple addition and subtraction within 10 - Using the language 'gave away', 'what is left?' and 'altogether' and completing the number sentence on the worksheet.
VIDEO - Writing number bonds as number sentences - Practising how to write a number sentence using + and = symbols. Using Numicon to support number bonds knowledge.