Foundations - Topic 0
Maths skills start long before involving numbers and quantities. Before you can count, add, measure, or do anything else with numbers, you have to learn prenumber concepts.
This page contains all Foundation Level workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 0 - Developing Prenumber Skills and Concepts.
VIDEO - Prenumber skills and concepts introduction with Makaton
F0.1 Make simple comparison
More and Less TEMPLATE - Pictorial and word representations of ‘more’ and ‘less’.
Big and Small TEMPLATE - Pictorial and word representations of ‘big’ and ‘small’.
Up and Down TEMPLATE - Pictorial and word representations of ‘up’ and ‘down’.
Fast and Slow TEMPLATE - Pictorial and word representations of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’.
Heavy and Light TEMPLATE - Pictorial and word representations of ‘heavy’ and ‘light’.
Hot and Cold TEMPLATE - Pictorial and word representations of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’.
Simple Comparison TEMPLATE - This template allows you to print and laminate the outlines from the workbook for longevity and place concrete objects in the spaces to compare. [Eco Ink Version]
More or less comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Who has more?’ and ‘Who has less?’ [Eco Ink Version]
More or less written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is more or less in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Big or small comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is big?’ and ‘Which is small?’ [Eco Ink Version]
Big or small animal WORKBOOK - This animal-themed workbook contains 10 pages, asking the student to identify the big or small animal in a selection of photographs. [Eco Ink Version]
Big or small written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is big and small in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Up or down comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is up?’ and ‘Which is down?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]
Up or down written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is up and down in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Fast or slow comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is fast?’ and ‘Which is slow?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]
Fast or slow written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is fast and slow in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Heavy or light comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is heavy?’ and ‘Which is light?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]
Heavy or light written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is heavy and light in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
Hot or cold comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is hot?’ and ‘Which is cold?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]
Hot or Cold written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is hot and cold in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Introduction to teaching more or less - using concrete resources to support learning.
VIDEO - More or less and bigger or smaller - modelling language and signing to complete worksheets.
VIDEO - Big/small, up/down, fast/slow, heavy/light, hot/cold - quick fire questions with Lance. Reading and understanding comparison words.
VIDEO - Which is fast? - modelling question with Lance.
VIDEO - Big and small, fast and slow and up and down - demonstrated with toys - Karen talks through examples of how model comparison words with concrete objects.
F0.2 Identify the same and different
“Which one is the same?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 50 pages of “Which one is the same?” - selecting which one is the same from a choice of two options. They start with obvious and move gradually to the more subtle - same colour, same orientation, same type. There is also section of numbers. The final page contains a blank template. [Eco Ink Version]
More “Which one is the same?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 50 MORE pages of “Which one is the same?” - selecting which one is the same from a choice of two, three and four options. They move through easier to harder options. Make sure to ask the question ‘why?’ when the student selects as they might see a different answer to you. [Eco Ink Version]
“Which one is different?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 45 pages of “Which one is different?” - selecting which is different from a choice of four. They start with obvious differences and move gradually to the more subtle difference - different colour, orientation, type. The final page contains a blank template. [Eco Ink Version]
More “Which one is different?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 40 MORE pages of '‘Which one is different?” - selecting which is different from a choice of four. They move through easier to harder options. Make sure to ask the question ‘why?’ when the student selects as they might see a different answer to you. [Eco Ink Version]
Alternating Same and Different WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 36 pages alternating between asking “Which one is the same?” and “Which one is different?”. The workbook starts with easier options and moves to more subtle and category choices. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - An introduction to the same or different? - Modelled by Karen using household items.
VIDEO - Which one is different? - Lance and Ella identify which item is different on the worksheets.
VIDEO - Which one is the same? - Lance and Ella identify which items are the same on the worksheets. A tricky concept! They don't match exactly. The idea is to connect the two dogs or two food items. However, if your student comes up with a different correct answer and can explain why don't tell them they are wrong!
VIDEO - Which one is different? - Modelling teaching which is different. Identifying which item is different, with increasing difficulty e.g. recognising fruit as a broader category for classification.
F0.3 Matching
“Which matches?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 81 pages of “Which matches?” - selecting the match from a selection of 4 possible answers on a matching mat. There are 20 different matching mats with the 4 possible options for each mat. Matching mats include shapes, fruit, numbers, Numicon and money. The final page contains a blank template. [Eco Ink Version]
“Which matches?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 43 pages of “Which matches?” - selecting the match from a selection of 4 possible answers on a matching mat. There are 20 different matching mats with the 4 possible options for each mat as flashcards for printing, cutting out and laminating for reuse. Matching mats include shapes, fruit, numbers, Numicon and money. The final two pages contain a blank template. [Eco Ink Version]
Matching words WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook includes matching both letters and high frequency words, using the familiar matching mat format. [Eco Ink Version]
Matching signs and symbols WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook asks students to select the match from 4 possible signs and symbols that are used in every day life. [Eco Ink Version]
Matching patterns WORKBOOK - Containing basic 2-D shapes as well as more challenging patterns, this 20-page workbook follows a select and match format using matching mats with 4 choices. [Eco Ink Version]
Identical matching WORKBOOK - Introducing the term ‘identical’, this 27-page workbook encourages students to find and match identical pictures. The workbook builds in complexity, with bigger groups of pictures to find the identical match within as well as multiple matches in later questions. [Eco Ink Version]
More “Which matches?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 80 MORE pages of “Which matches?” - selecting the match from a selection of 4 possible answers on a matching mat. There are 20 different matching mats with the 4 possible options for each mat. There are a selection of harder matching ‘pattern’ options at the end. [Eco Ink Version]
More “Which matches?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 40 pages of MORE “Which matches?” - selecting the match from a selection of 4 possible answers on a matching mat. There are 20 different matching mats with the 4 possible options for each mat as flashcards for printing, cutting out and laminating for reuse. [Eco Ink Version]
Even More “Which matches?” WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 68 MORE pages of “Which matches?” - selecting the match from a selection of 4 possible answers on a matching mat. There are 17 different matching mats with the 4 possible options for each mat. There are a selection of harder matching ‘pattern’ options at the end. [Eco Ink Version]
Even More “Which matches?” TEMPLATE - This template contains 34 pages of MORE “Which matches?” - selecting the match from a selection of 4 possible answers on a matching mat. There are 17 different matching mats with the 4 possible options for each mat as flashcards for printing, cutting out and laminating for reuse. [Eco Ink Version]
VIDEO - Which matches? - Lance identifies which is the matching object on the worksheet.
F0.4 Simple classification
Colours TEMPLATE - Colours mats with two versions - text in white and text in black.
Colour Mats & Select by Colour TEMPLATE - This 48 page template contains 15 colours mats - two mats each for red, blue, green & yellow and one mat each for black, white, orange, purple, pink, brown & grey. These mats can be use for reference or laminated and cut for use with the blank templates to select. There are three sets of blank templates - ‘Which is ….?’ and a choice of two boxes, ‘Which is ….?’ and a choice of four boxes, and ‘Which are ….?’ and free space. The blank templates can be used with concrete objects. [Eco Ink Version]
Sort by colour and type WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of ‘Which is…’ questions asking the student to select the appropriate colour or type of object out of a choice of four. [Eco Ink Version]
Sort by size WORKBOOK - This 34-page workbook contains 17 questions asking the student to select ‘Which is big’, followed by an additional 17 questions asking ‘Which is small’. [Eco Ink Version]
Sort by Colour WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 144 pages in total on selecting by colour. The first 56 pages are ‘Which is…?’ from a selection of two different coloured objects, the next 66 pages are ‘Which is…?’ from a selection of four different coloured objects. There are 11 pages of ‘Which are…?’ selecting more than one object of a particular colour from a selection of eight coloured objects and the final 11 pages are a similar format but with ten plus coloured objects on each page to select from. [Eco Ink Version]
Mixed Simple Classification WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 41 pages of simple classification - circle, cross and tick by type or colour out of a selection of six items. This can be printed and used for early mark making skills - creating a circle, cross or a tick. For those with non-writers page 41 is a template of a circle, cross and tick that can be printed and laminated for use with this workbook. [Eco Ink Version].
VIDEO - Identifying Colour and Shape - an introduction to teaching how to identify and classify by colour and basic shapes.