Foundations - Records of Progress
The Record of Progress charts are used to record and demonstrate attainment. Each line relates to a topic and assesses if the student is trying, sometimes getting it, mostly getting it or secured in the objective. As the topic level is so much more incremental than the lines in the national curriculum, it allows you to demonstrate progress of a student from term to term, year to year and support a hand over from teaching staff at year end.
The Foundations Record of Progress is available to download in three different versions - portrait, landscape and landscape editable version.
Foundations Record of Progress (Portrait) - An electronic version of the Foundations Level Record of Progress.
Foundations Record of Progress (Landscape) - An electronic version of the Foundations Level Record of Progress in a larger landscape style.
Foundations Record of Progress (Landscape) - A downloadable Microsoft Word version of the Foundations Level Record of Progress in landscape orientation that is editable.