Foundations - Newly Published

The Maths For Life Resource Library is a permanently evolving work in progress.

To keep up to date with newly published content, anything published within Foundation Level in the last three calendar months will be listed on this page.

Book 1 (Edition 3) - Foundations of Maths For Life Sample Set of Questions - This is an electronic copy of the newly added Foundation level sample questions which were included in Book 1, the third edition.

**Newly Published - March 2025**

Friday 7th March 2025 - Foundations Workbook 8 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 14th March 2025 - Foundations Workbook 9 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [US Dollar $ Version]

Friday 21st March 2025 - Foundations Workbook 10 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 28th March 2025 - Foundations Workbook 11 [Eco Ink Version]

Newly Published - February 2025

Friday 7th February 2025 - Foundations Workbook 5 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 14th February 2025 - Foundations Workbook 6 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 28th February 2025 - Foundations Workbook 7 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [US Dollar $ Version]

Newly Published - January 2025

Friday 10th January 2025 - Foundations Workbook 1 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 17th January 2025 - Foundations Workbook 2 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 24th January 2025 - Foundations Workbook 3 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [US Dollar $ Version]

Friday 31st January 2025 - Foundations Workbook 4 [Eco Ink Version]

Newly Published - December 2024

Ordinal Numbers Medal WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 35 questions involving medal winners to explore ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd and 3rd. [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 6th December 2024 - Foundations Workbook 11 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 13th December 2024 - Foundations Workbook 12 [Eco Ink Version]

Newly Published - November 2024

Alternative Advent Calendars 2024 - Download one of our fabulously festive Alternative Advent Calendars and enjoy some mathematical merriment this festive season. All levels and eco-friendly versions are ready for you to download and print.

Friday 8th November 2024 - Foundations Workbook 7 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 15th November 2024 - Foundations Workbook 8 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 22nd November 2024 - Foundations Workbook 9 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [US Dollar $ Version]

Friday 29th November 2024 - Foundations Workbook 10 [Eco Ink Version] [Euro € Version] [Dollar $ Version]

F1.23 Simple whole number subtraction from numbers up to 10

Simple Subtraction up to 5 WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at subtraction in it’s simplest form, following the format ‘how many left?’ using numbers up to 5. [Eco Ink Version]

Simple Subtraction up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 10 page workbook looks at subtraction in it’s simplest form, following the format ‘how many left?’ using numbers up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]

Newly Published - October 2024

Halloween Worksheets - A little treat. Download and print one spooktacular questions per level. Happy Halloween!

Friday 4th October 2024 - Foundations Workbook 4 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 11th October 2024 - Foundations Workbook 5 [Eco Ink Version]

Friday 18th October 2024 - Foundations Workbook 6 [Eco Ink Version]

F0.1 Make simple comparison

More or less comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 30 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Who has more?’ and ‘Who has less?’ [Eco Ink Version]

More or less written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is more or less in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

Big or small comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is big?’ and ‘Which is small?’ [Eco Ink Version]

Big or small animal WORKBOOK - This animal-themed workbook contains 10 pages, asking the student to identify the big or small animal in a selection of photographs. [Eco Ink Version]

Big or small written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is big and small in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

Up or down comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is up?’ and ‘Which is down?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]

Up or down written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is up and down in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

Fast or slow comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is fast?’ and ‘Which is slow?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]

Fast or slow written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is fast and slow in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

Heavy or light comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is heavy?’ and ‘Which is light?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]

Heavy or light written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is heavy and light in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

Hot or cold comparison WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 pages of simple comparisons asking the student ‘Which is hot?’ and ‘Which is cold?’ The first half of the workbook features graphics, followed by 10 pages of real-world photographs. [Eco Ink Version]

Hot or Cold written word WORKBOOK - Students complete the sentences identifying which is hot and cold in this 10-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

F0.3 Matching

Matching words WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook includes matching both letters and high frequency words, using the familiar matching mat format. [Eco Ink Version]

Matching signs and symbols WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook asks students to select the match from 4 possible signs and symbols that are used in every day life. [Eco Ink Version]

Matching patterns WORKBOOK - Containing basic 2-D shapes as well as more challenging patterns, this 20-page workbook follows a select and match format using matching mats with 4 choices. [Eco Ink Version]

Identical matching WORKBOOK - Introducing the term ‘identical’, this 27-page workbook encourages students to find and match identical pictures. The workbook builds in complexity, with bigger groups of pictures to find the identical match within as well as multiple matches in later questions. [Eco Ink Version]

F1.8 Stable order when counting 1 to 10

What Number Comes Next WORKBOOK - This 16-page workbook asks the question, ‘What number comes next?’ through a series of colourful questions. Includes two sets of numbers 1 - 5, and two sets of numbers 5 - 10. [Eco Ink Version]

F1.16 Order and compare numbers up to 10

One more and one less WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook explores how to find one more or one less than a number up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]

Sequence Numbers up to 10 WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook asks students to sequence numbers starting with 1-3, then 1-5, 6-10 and finishing with 0-10. [Eco Ink Version]

F1.21 Use ordinal numbers from first to tenth, when describing position in a sequence of numbers

Order of instruction WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook explores the order of instruction for everyday tasks and activities. Starting with choosing which is first/last out of two steps and moving on to sequencing up to 5 events into the order they are done or happen. Warning: some aren’t so straight forward, this is why we don’t publish answers, it should be a discussion. [Eco Ink Version]

Ordinal Numbers 1st, 2nd & 3rd WORKBOOK - This 24 page workbook asks the student to identify the position of people in a queue. The first 12 pages use 1st, 2nd and 3rd, whilst the second 12 pages use first, second, third and ‘last’. [Eco Ink Version]

Ordinal Numbers Competition WORKBOOK - This workbook contains 20 questions based around positions on a podium, asking the student to make the link between ordinal words (first, second & third) and numbers (1st, 2nd & 3rd). [Eco Ink Version]

Writing Ordinal Numbers WORKBOOK - This 20 page workbook features both animals and people queueing in various settings. Students are asked to identify the position of a character and write the corresponding ordinal number. [Eco Ink Version]

F1.23 Simple whole number subtraction from numbers up to 10

Subtracting “How many more?” up to 5 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 5. This workbook is designed to explore using counting on or subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]

Subtracting “How many more?” up to 10 WORKBOOK - This workbooks contains 20 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 10. This workbook is designed to explore using counting on or subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]

Subtracting “How many more?” up to 10 WORKBOOK 2 - This workbooks contains 10 pages following the same format “Lance has…, Ella has…, who has more…, how many more…” for numbers up to 10. This workbook is designed to explore subtraction as a method of finding out how many more. [Eco Ink Version]

F2.25 Recognise coins and notes and write them in numbers with the correct symbols (£ & p), where these involve numbers up to 10

Identify Money as Notes and Coins WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook is a precursor to identifying specific notes and coins, focusing instead on simply identifying ‘notes’ or ‘coins’ from a range of options. [Eco Ink Version]

Identify Same and Different Coins WORKBOOK - This 18-page workbook helps students to build skills in identifying coins that are the same and different, through a series of increasingly more challenging questions. [Eco Ink Version]

Identify Same and Different Notes WORKBOOK - This 13-page workbook helps students to build skills in identifying notes that are the same and different, including the most current notes that involve numbers up to 10 in circulation. [Eco Ink Version]

F2.29 Understand the concept of yesterday, today and tomorrow

Past, present and future WORKBOOK - This fun and colourful 12-page workbook provides the link between yesterday, today and tomorrow with past, present and future in language that is accessible for all students. [Eco Ink Version]

F2.30 Understand the relative duration of a day, a week, a month and a year

Comparing duration WORKBOOK - Which is more, a day or a month? Which is less, a week or a year? Within this 25-page workbook, students can consolidate their understanding of the duration of a day, a week, a month and a year. The first 20 questions offer visual comparisons, followed by 5 real world examples. [Eco Ink Version]

Classify activities by duration WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook presents a range of different activities and scenarios, before asking the student to select an appropriate duration for each one - a day, a week, a month or a year. The first 12 questions offer 2 choices, followed by 3 choices for the remaining 12 questions. [Eco Ink Version].

F2.35 Recognise basic 2-D shapes.

Recognising 2-D Shapes WORKBOOK - Including circles, squares, triangles and rectangles, this 28-page colourful workbook uses repetition to consolidate the student’s ability to recognise basic 2-D shapes. [Eco Ink Version]

Properties of 2-D Shapes WORKBOOK - Students are asked to identify the appropriate 2-D shape based on it’s properties in this colourful 28-page workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

F2.36 Recognise basic 3-D shapes.

Recognise basic 3-D shapes WORKBOOK - Throughout this 20-page workbook, students are reminded of the language 2-D, 3-D, box and ball through a mixture of geometric shapes and real life objects. [Eco Ink Version]

Flat or not flat WORKBOOK - This 20-page work uses real life 2-D and 3-D objects to explore what is flat and what is not flat. [Eco Ink Version]

Faces of a 3-D box WORKBOOK - A clear and simple 10-page workbook which consolidates the student’s practical learning relating to the faces of 3-D box shapes. [Eco Ink Version]

F2.37 Identify and select a variety of shapes to make simple pictures, patterns and models.

Repeated patterns using 2D Shapes WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook includes a variety of questions such as ‘What shape comes next?’, ‘What shape comes first?’ and ‘What shape is missing?’ [Eco Ink Version]

F2.39 Understand and apply simple positional vocabulary, including in and out, under and over, top and bottom, front and back, in front of and behind.

Expanded Positional Vocabulary WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook explores real life scenarios using a range of positional language, including inside/outside, at the bottom/at the top, underneath/on top and front/back. [Eco Ink Version]

F3.42 Sort and classify objects using a single criterion

Sort & Count by Size WORKBOOK - This 10-page workbook explores categorising by size, ‘big’ and ‘small’, using numbers up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]

Sort & Count by Weight WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook explores categorising by weight, ‘heavy’ and ‘light’, using numbers up to 10. [Eco Ink Version]

Sort & Count Triangles and Rectangles WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook contains triangles and rectangles. With numbers up to 10, the students are required to categorise, sort and count these basic 2-D shapes before recording their results on a table. [Eco Ink Version]

Small steps, bright future.